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Responses: 4
MSgt Steve Sweeney
Apparently Barrett has a very flexible and hypothetical view of the law. Funny, I thought "conservatives" would pick someone more grounded and less interpretive.
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1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
Edited 4 y ago
At issue here is what constitutes voter intimidation, not whether or not it is legal (it isn't).
For a little context to the story as a local resident, what Sen Klobuchar is referring to is a phenomenon that has developed in Minneapolis (and to a much lesser extent, some inner ring suburbs and St Paul) of a kind of citizens militia that has assembled in the wake of the George Floyd riots. The "Roughriders" as they style themselves, have busied themselves initially with securing businesses and property, but more enterprising individuals have taken it upon themselves to shoot drug dealers and other criminal elements while the police have largely stopped patrolling certain neighborhoods. I have heard that they have posted some members near polling places with the mindset of dissuading BLM elements from using polling places as locations to distribute their literature.

I would counter Sen K's argument when next I see her by asking her in context of her former job as Hennepin County (Minneapolis area) Prosecutor, how is it that we have roving bands of vigilantes taking out criminals in the largest and most resourced city in the state?
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GySgt Gary Cordeiro
I expected more from her. I have brain farts occasionally, it’s human. Major stress invites brain farts; that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
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