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Responses: 11
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Has it made national news? Are they looking to indict him for murder? My apologies that I don't live in or near Philly, nor do I monitor asian-dawn.com, and I only have so much time in the day to analyze the news and this particular site isn't on my radar. Especially on a weekend. What exactly are you implying though? Are you suggesting that because many people here believe that Kyle was defending himself that we don't believe this man deserves the same consideration? How about asking this question... Where are all the people who were dead set against Kyle? Why aren't they denouncing this man's actions? To use Biden's words, "come on man!"
CSM Chuck Stafford
CSM Chuck Stafford
3 y
Well stated - I couldn't agree more
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SGM Operations Sergeant Major
This Uber driver isn’t even charged with a crime. Charges aren’t even being pursued by authorities. Of course this case has little national interest.

Police spokesman:
“The person who was targeted in this robbery was in possession of a valid permit to carry. He stayed on location, spoke to police, described what happened, and additionally, there were numerous cameras in the area that we were able to access, which confirmed his version of what happened.”

Firearms are used for lawful self defense between 60K and 500K times per year. The comment references KR supporters and “quietly ignoring” this single case out of a minimum 60K other similar cases. The intent of the comment is to divide, nothing more.

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LTC Stephen C.
Personally, I’m delighted that any person, Asian or otherwise, successfully defended himself against armed aggressors. As for “quietly ignoring his case”, that seems like a rather disingenuous comment to make. This is the first I’ve heard of the situation, maybe others have not heard the news either.
SGT Infantryman
SGT (Join to see)
3 y
LTC Stephen C. True.
Some of us are deaf, and some of us haven't watched TV news in decades. But if any major networks covered the 55,000 to 80,000 active and up to 4.7 million passive Defensive Gun Use incidents per year in the US, you'd "hear" something about some of them, unless you are among the stubborn willfully ignorant.
LTC Stephen C.
LTC Stephen C.
3 y
As far as your comments above relate to me, SGT (Join to see), everything you wrote after the word True is superfluous and obliquely patronizing.
Don’t need it.
Maj Wayne Crist
Maj Wayne Crist
3 y
SGT (Join to see) - Hmm found the study the numbers came from. You left out interesting fact noted in this study is that most DGUs (counting drawn, not-fired too for simplicity) are never fired, meaning they won't be accurately represented in a table documenting gun death ratios. Harvard professor David Hemenway, only counting open-shut cases where the gun was both fired and proven lawful, estimated 55,000-80,000. also remember deaths from shootings -not to include suicides' number less than 15,000. Just the Facts.
SGT Infantryman
SGT (Join to see)
3 y
Maj Wayne Crist I remember things.

And I simply describe things, because people are simple, even if their personal motives are not.

I plainly described the active DGUs (shots fired) as active, and the passive DGUs (shots not required) as passive.

Also, there should be no need to prove that any Defensive Gun Use is legal, as they all should be, no matter what local and state codes and statutes, or propaganda, may say in contradiction to the Constitution.
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