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I’m black and I’m fully vaccinated. So is my immediate family. I do understand why black people don’t want to get it.
COL Acos Education
COL (Join to see)
3 y
Can you help others shed light on why our people are still resistant?
MAJ Ken Landgren
Edited 3 y ago
Scary. I hope they turn the ship on a proper course. The Delta variant is like a bull in a China shop.
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LTC Eugene Chu
Good article and happy that you posted.

One embedded link in the article goes to a video from the non-profit organization, Ad Council on YouTube. The Tuskegee Experiment was a racist American travesty, but comparing it to COVID vaccination is incorrect. Researchers unethically studied syphilis specifically in Black men without providing treatment, but did not directly inject the disease. The COVID-19 vaccine incomparable where the government is facilitating vaccination to all people in a pandemic regardless of race.

COL Acos Education
COL (Join to see)
3 y
Correct but from my medical outreach to communities of color they don’t see the difference. For them the bottom line is gov cannot be trusted which also means institutions cannot be trusted which also means “white men” can’t be trusted which unfortunately translates to everyone mostly more educated (of all colors) because even myself will be called an Uncle Tom or agent of the “man”. It is deep rooted. It is cultural. It is sad because the root cause is so evil and it is shard to argue against the evil done to their ancestors. But we must to move forward.
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