Posted on Nov 14, 2019
Army recruiters honored after California mall shooting for life-saving actions
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
Kudos to these recruiters. I'm a firm believer in the idea that EVERYONE needs to carry a first aid kit (at least a small trauma kit) with them, not just first responders. I know good tourniquets and combat gauze aren't cheap, but compared to someone's life, they're indispensable. And every public place needs at least one AED and Stop-the-Bleed kit.
MAJ (Join to see)
1SG (Join to see) - You didn't get a CAT tourniquet and combat gauze for that price. Each of those by themselves is $35-40. And there really is no good substitute. (TCCC-qualified EMT here)
1SG (Join to see)
MAJ (Join to see) - No combat gauze in this one, but it is similar to the one I bought. [login to see] &sprefix=ifak%2Caps%2C166&sr=8-12 [login to see] &sprefix=ifak%2Caps%2C166&sr=8-12 : Kitgo Emergency Survival Gear and Medical First Aid Kit - IFAK Outdoor Adventure... : Kitgo Emergency Survival Gear and Medical First Aid Kit - IFAK Outdoor Adventure Camping Hiking Military Essential - Pro Compass, Fire Starter, CAT Tourniquet, Flashlight and More : Sports & Outdoors
MAJ (Join to see)
1SG (Join to see) - Nice little kit, but I STRONGLY recommend you check out that tourniquet. 99% sure it's a cheap knockoff, not something you want to be staking your or someone else's life on. I've never seen a genuine CAT tourniquet for anything less than $30, usually more. And you want a CAT Gen7, nothing earlier. I also find it curious (suspicious) that the listing advertises that it comes with QuickClot, but there's none shown in the photos.
This is where I buy my supplies:
This is where I buy my supplies:
1SG (Join to see)
I could make a tourniquet out of a stick and a cravat, like we were trained to do for decades before all of this whiz-bang stuff came out. The point is to be ready if stuff goes sideways. You can easily spend much more on a kit. Something really comprehensive can cost you a grand or more.
But I don't think I need to be prepared for the zombie apocalypse or American Civil War II. I need to be ready if I am nearby when something happens to others, or myself.
The guys in the story used a T-shirt and whatever they could find as a windlass. Most likely a pen or some such. That works just fine until real medical support shows up.
But I don't think I need to be prepared for the zombie apocalypse or American Civil War II. I need to be ready if I am nearby when something happens to others, or myself.
The guys in the story used a T-shirt and whatever they could find as a windlass. Most likely a pen or some such. That works just fine until real medical support shows up.
Good news story. Always glad to see Soldiers being able to put their skills to use outside the Army. Of course the cause is horrible, but the reaction is everything we hope a Soldier would do.
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