Posted on Feb 26, 2016
Another hometown bakery under fire for not providing same-sex wedding cake
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 6
LTC (Join to see) Baking a cake isn't the issue. Being coerced to inscribe specific the words on top of the cake, etc. is the primary issue of disagreement. If radicalized muslims, homosexuals, vegans, or any other group want to have specific words inscribed on top of a cake the most logical solution would be for the group to buy the cake of their choice and inscribe whatever words they want onto the cake themselves.
Since these cases tend to be targeted confrontations I wouldn't expect much reasonable behavior from them.
Unlike race and gender it is not obvious what sexual orientation or lack of orientation a person may hold at a particular time merely by looking at them.
Since these cases tend to be targeted confrontations I wouldn't expect much reasonable behavior from them.
Unlike race and gender it is not obvious what sexual orientation or lack of orientation a person may hold at a particular time merely by looking at them.
LTC (Join to see)
I think you're wrong about words being the issue. This store refuses to bake the cake, period. They feel that simply providing a cake to a gay wedding somehow violates their right to freely exercise their religion, which of course it doesn't. Rather, the truth is that they are trying to turn the right to exercise their religion freely into the right to refuse service to anyone who doesn't believe what they believe. And this wasn't an activist setup. It was a local guy who had been a regular customer at this bakery who wanted them to bake their wedding cake, just like others do.
"We have the right to refuse service to anyone" used to be posted on the front doors and on the wall behind the cash registers in a miriad of businesses. Those signs need to come back in a HUGE way. Having rights is for everyone, not just those with "differing" agendas.
SGT Forrest Stewart
LTC (Join to see) - I understand what you're saying Sir. There is a difference in what you and I are saying. Racial discrimination and blantant intolerance are certainly wrong. Saying no to doing something, baking a cake for a gay wedding for example, because you believe it to be morally wrong, should not constitute a law suit. The owners did offer to direct this couple to other bakeries that would have accommodated them with no problem.
Is it discrimination for me as a landlord to not rent to someone who will not agree to a nonsmoking or a drug free clause? I don't believe so.
Guess I've rattled on long enough.
Is it discrimination for me as a landlord to not rent to someone who will not agree to a nonsmoking or a drug free clause? I don't believe so.
Guess I've rattled on long enough.
SSG (Join to see)
SGT Forrest Stewart - You know what? I think I'd actually be all right with this. "We don't serve gays," "blacks not welcome," "no admittance for Muslims," "whites not wanted," etc. Let the general public know exactly what kind of douchebags you are - because if you're willing to turn away money because of the hand it's coming from, you're a douchebag - and gamble on the future of your business as you will.
Do people have the right to run their private business as they will? Absolutely! Do people have the right not to patronize said businesses? Absolutely!
Do people have the right to run their private business as they will? Absolutely! Do people have the right not to patronize said businesses? Absolutely!
SGT Forrest Stewart
SSG (Join to see) - first, thank you for name calling. There are plenty of places everywhere that have no problem celebrating homosexually, including doing weddings, baking cakes, etc. It's wrong for anyone to push their agendas on anyone. The US government says it's OK for same sex couples to be married. The Bible certainly does not agree nor does the Quran, nor any other religious book or writings, unless by chance it was written recently.
If I believe something is morally wrong, there's no way I'm going to participate. Frankly, I don't care
If I believe something is morally wrong, there's no way I'm going to participate. Frankly, I don't care
SGT Forrest Stewart
what you do in your bedroom, just don't ask me to join you.
If you don't want to follow rules that you have agreed to in advance, I have a problem with that. You want to tear things up that don't belong to you? If it's my stuff, I'm going to have issues with that.
Have a great day Sgt.
If you don't want to follow rules that you have agreed to in advance, I have a problem with that. You want to tear things up that don't belong to you? If it's my stuff, I'm going to have issues with that.
Have a great day Sgt.
Here's what I don't get about this whole "religious freedom" bullshit.
Apparently, some people have taken that providing a service means agreeing with the purpose of that service. In other words, baking a cake for a wedding for two people of the same sex means you must agree with same-sex marriage. It's fucking moronic, period. If I walk into a bakery with a giant effigy of the Virgin Mary and order 300 cupcakes for a bacchanalian swingers' weekend, I expect that bakery to do three things: make me my goddamn cupcakes, take my goddamn money, and we can each go about our goddamn business.
I'm an agnostic; when I become an x-ray tech and they bring a patient in with a giant cross tattooed on his arm along with several Bible verses, I'm gonna conclude he's a Christian. Forget the legal implications; can you imagine how ridiculous it would sound for me to say "Nope, I can't examine him, he's a Christian?" It sounds so ludicrous, I'm even having trouble *typing* it.
Live your life according to your faiths and morals, but don't pretend that just because someone else lives their life by a different moral compass, that that somehow affects *you.* News flash: it doesn't.
***Disclaimer: if my liberal use of profanity offends anyone, I honestly left my last fuck in the cockpit of a C-17 in Afghanistan. Maybe it's still there three years later, I don't know. But I don't have it to give.
Apparently, some people have taken that providing a service means agreeing with the purpose of that service. In other words, baking a cake for a wedding for two people of the same sex means you must agree with same-sex marriage. It's fucking moronic, period. If I walk into a bakery with a giant effigy of the Virgin Mary and order 300 cupcakes for a bacchanalian swingers' weekend, I expect that bakery to do three things: make me my goddamn cupcakes, take my goddamn money, and we can each go about our goddamn business.
I'm an agnostic; when I become an x-ray tech and they bring a patient in with a giant cross tattooed on his arm along with several Bible verses, I'm gonna conclude he's a Christian. Forget the legal implications; can you imagine how ridiculous it would sound for me to say "Nope, I can't examine him, he's a Christian?" It sounds so ludicrous, I'm even having trouble *typing* it.
Live your life according to your faiths and morals, but don't pretend that just because someone else lives their life by a different moral compass, that that somehow affects *you.* News flash: it doesn't.
***Disclaimer: if my liberal use of profanity offends anyone, I honestly left my last fuck in the cockpit of a C-17 in Afghanistan. Maybe it's still there three years later, I don't know. But I don't have it to give.
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