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Responses: 5
TSgt Cyber Systems Operations
What is the big fear if a Muslim or any other (non christian) faith holds political office? While its seen as a non-issue today there was a time where Americans were scared out of their minds when a Roman Catholic took office. One's religion, and the baggage that comes with it doesn't necessarily dictate who you are.
Cpl Software Engineer
Cpl (Join to see)
8 y
It actually depends on the religious conviction of the one seeking office. If the elected official holds a strong conviction to theocracy, it's incompatible with freedom. See Turkey. Ask a Muslim if Sharia law can be separated from Islamic teachings. If their answer is no, then the liberal response should be separation of Mosque and State.
TSgt Cyber Systems Operations
TSgt (Join to see)
8 y
SFC William Farrell - I think its important for Americans to understand that there needs to be a distinction between a terrorist organization like ISIS and someone who became radicalized on their own, and have no ties to that organization. Jason Dalton, who killed 6 people at Michigan Planned Parenthood clinic was not immediately (if ever) labeled a "Christian Terrorist" even though his motivation was based on his faith and the information he chose to find from the internet/TV media.

In the media today everyone who is of the Muslim faith that commits an act like in Orlando is labeled an Islamic terrorist, and that is simply not always true, its simply there to grab headlines. This is dangerous talk and leads to further creating a divide and fuels the bigotry against Muslims.

It is the President's responsibility to make an informed call to stem the flow of misinformation and misunderstanding. Remember when Trump, just a few hours after the Egypt flight crashed called it an act of terrorism via twitter? He had no credible information to go on, and at that point the intel was scarce at best, even to the president. As of this point there is still very little to go on for that crash, and there is no reasonable way one can say it was or wasnt terror. Jumping to dangerous assumption and handing out labels will never bring people together, it will just feed the trolls

A radicalized Muslim does not always equal radial Islamic terror
SFC William Farrell
SFC William Farrell
8 y
TSgt (Join to see) - So you are telling me the ones who have recently killed and who just happen to be Muslims were not radicalized? Think Fort Hood, California, Arkansas, Florida. As Obama like to say, we are not at war with Islam, only those who want to kill us and other innocent people around the world. They are sick bastards.
TSgt Cyber Systems Operations
TSgt (Join to see)
8 y
SFC William Farrell - No, we're on the same page for all the examples you listed, what I was trying to say is that someone of the Islamic faith that has been brainwashed by someone else's agenda is often lumped in with Islamic terror groups like ISIS which is not always the case, as in Orlando
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COL Jean (John) F. B.
MSgt Stephen Council
MSgt Stephen Council
8 y
COL Jean (John) F. B. That is an awesome meme! Thanx for sharing it Sir!
COL Jean (John) F. B.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
8 y
TSgt Frank Shirley - No, it says a lot about Obama.
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CPT Jack Durish
It seems that "the Buck" has been looking for a place to stop during the Obama Administration. The President has made it perfectly clear that it isn't welcome on his desk...
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