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Responses: 3
SSG Aircraft Mechanic
That’s interesting. I would’ve thought that Alabama would have more of an issue than other places but that doesn’t appear to be so.
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CPT Chris Loomis
Okay, here’s my $0.02 worth....

First, the study states that their statistics are based on the incidence of sentencing for the various types of drugs/dope/stuff.

I don’t believe that the sentencing statistics are a true and accurate indication of the true problem and reality on the street in Southern California.

The sentencing stats are only showing “problems” that have risen to the level of criminal prosecution. Those stats aren’t showing the cases where peace officers made arrests and those cases were rejected for criminal prosecution by the Deputy District Attorney. Neither are these stats showing how many “problems” peace officers, doctors, nurses, and other professionals are encountering that aren’t even making it onto any criminal report/document trail.

Second, to most of us with our eyes wide open and grounded in the reality of our society it is painfully obvious that there is a problem.

Being directly “boots on the ground” and up close and personal with the issues and a-holes I see that the problem is out of countrol in this region of the United States. The “Just Say Now” and DARE Program are long gone. The “Drug Czars” were/are completely worthless due to the bureaucracy involved. Then you have law makers that have their heads stuffed so far up into the dark recesses of their body that they won’t ever see daylight again...enacting (California) laws like Proposition 47 or legalizing “gateway” drugs like marijuana.... At some point in one’s career a feeling of futility develops for various reasons within the folks tasked with dealing with this problem which breeds a reluctance to go out and put the grab on the bad guys and stuff them head first into a jail cell.

I’m sure us folks of vision and intellectual capacity that are reading this get the point I’m trying to make.

I digress....
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Sgt Randy Wilber
All I know is New York has been said to be one of the worst according to New York news stations
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