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Responses: 3
CWO3 Us Marine
There is a twitter page that is outing these folks. Free speech is protected but actions have consequences. No room for hate groups in US and they deserve everything they get. Even the KKK knows enough to wear hoods. They are trying to blame the local PD but they violated the terms of the agreement. PD based their permit on cooperation and told them to enter the park through one location, so they could preserve their right to peaceful demonstration. They decided to stream in through other avenues on purpose and that led to the violence. It was never about a statue either, because there was court order protecting it for 6 months. It was a cover for them to invite every other stray cat that wanted a fight and that's what happened. I don't agree with the past practices of antifa or any that resort to violence with intent, but am totally supportive of anyone standing up to hate groups of any kind in a peaceful manner. Hate groups and memorials are against the law in many other countries such as Germany and Canada.

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SSgt Motor Transport Operations Chief
Was he actually a neo nazi or a ANTIFA posing as one? Hmmmmmm
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MSgt Nondestructive Inspection (NDI)
Freedom of speech says they have the right march and the government has to let them as long as they do it peacefully. The terms of private employment say that the employer can fire you for presenting an image that portrays the company in a bad light. I am supportive of this. Being an ass should have consequences. That being said before these sites publish ANY names of anyone suspected of being there they had better be sure. That would suck if the ruined an innocent person's life because they looked like someone else.
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