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Responses: 2
PO1 H Gene Lawrence
Just another way of squeezing more money from passengers, in my view.
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COL Randall C.
I think that it's one of those "both things are right" situations.

Agree with SGT Charlie Lee and PO1 H Gene Lawrence that it's financially motivated, but the extra revenu they would get from passengers in bag fees pales in comparison to the amount of money they lose from delays (billions), of which a notable percentage comes from "gate operations for pushback".

From a personal point of view of a frequent flyer, the annoyance of someone bringing a bag that not only wouldn't pass the dimensions at the gate, but is too big to actually fit in the overhead without forcing it in using a 'crowbar' method, I'm fine with them cracking down on the offenders.

It's kind of like enforcing speeding laws after letting people go for a while ... there's going to be a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth by those that didn't follow the laws (bag rules), while the rest will say ,"what took so long?"
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