Posted on Apr 2, 2020
Aircraft carrier captain removed from duty after pleading for help with coronavirus outbreak
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 7
Agree, then someone else should take the hit. Maybe this will get to Trump level, could have some effect. He tends to be protective of the military.
SN Greg Wright
He just said on air that he doesn't agree with this decision, guess is it gets walked back.
SN Greg Wright
Ok, just watched SECNAV's presser about this and I've changed my mind - the Captain screwed the pooch. He CC'd people outside of the chain of command, and skipped the BG Commander, who was right down the passageway from his stateroom. If what SECNAV said is true (and you kind of have to think so) then he badly mishandled this letter.
MSG Stan Hutchison
SN Greg Wright - That is what I was wondering. Did the CO try through proper channels, chain of command, first? If so, what was the results?
More to this story I believe.
More to this story I believe.
Greg, it’s not what he did, but how he did it. My first comment when I heard this is his career was over.
SN Greg Wright
Well it's not sure he leaked it yet. Someone else might have. If he did leak it, then I agree - he's done. If he didn't...I don't think he should be relieved.
SN Greg Wright IMO he should have used his CoC first. Then do what you need to do to take care your troops. His boss was just down the hall and he went around him. I've had Soldiers go over my head when they didn't like what I had to say. But they used the open door and I knew what they were doing and didn't hold it against them. You got to try using the chain first or it's going to bite you in the ass.
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