Posted on Feb 6, 2016
Air Force to remove C-130s from Fort Bragg ::
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 40
I don't know if anyone else has noticed this, the "Big Air Force" really doesn't care about things that don't impress fighter pilots........Hell look at how the Missile/ICBM community has rotted out, the A-10 isn't worthy , 50 year old tankers, C-17 fleet shrinking having AF, AFRES, ANG units flying the same A/C, look at the shenanigans over the C-27 fought allowing the Army to have it, got it and then killed it. The Army HQs signed off on this due to the Puzzle Palace Mutual Admiration Society, I suspect. Yeah the USAF is a corrupt group of flyboys who really just want to be a supersonic flying club and avoid those dreary tasks of actually providing support to the US Army. Take note of the US Marine Corps Air Wings they without equivocation say their mission is to support the Marine on the ground and the work hard at doing just that. Take "airlift/transportation operations" from the USAF and give it to TRANSCOM along with the people and money, turn CAS aircraft people and money over to the Army & Marines. Let the Zoomies keep the SPACECOM, ICBMS to play with. Just the musings of an Old Soldier who has studied the USAF's efforts since after WWII to weasel out of providing consistent dedicated support for ground operations.
SFC Craig Hartzell
Dead on... Former Army ABN here. The uncompromising USMC has it right. Army proposed "give us the A-10, we will put Warrant Officers in them and take care of our own". DOA.
LCpl Kenneth Collins
The A-10 is the best ground support plane in the Air Force and they are constantly trying to get rid of it. Give it to the Marines, they know how to support their ground troops.
Gary Gabor
The Air Force doesn't want the mission but wants to hoard the money so the Army can't get the equipment for ground support.
Capt Joe Sylvester
The root of all this squabbling is lack of resources to all. Look at the inter-service battles that went on after WWII, and it was bombers vs ships, tanks etc, not fighters.
Same thing after Vietnam. Blame the President and Congress. Who would rather court votes with "Free Stuff", than to fulfill their responsibility to "provide for the common defense"
Same thing after Vietnam. Blame the President and Congress. Who would rather court votes with "Free Stuff", than to fulfill their responsibility to "provide for the common defense"
Why not turn the C-130s over to the Army? Who ever came up with this plan to remove C-130s from Bragg ought to have their fucking head examined! This has the hallmarks of political -minded Generals kissing some politician's ass and spiking it to the other services.Then again, this is the Air Force, (Save for the A10 pilots) who can't execute proper CAS, and act as if the battlespace is a corporate environment.
SFC Clark Adams
TSgt (Join to see) - I'm with you and accept your comments from a guy who has CAS as his meat & potatos . I hope you took note of my initial statement of "Big Air Force" being the issue. I have no doubt in my mind and heart that you TACP/ALO and the Fighter Jocks would put steel on target in a heart beat and never intentionally leave the Grunts hanging. That said, if your Higher-Higher-Higher HQ doesn't provide you the tools (A-10 or like a/c) you guys can't do the stellar job that you are known for.
CPL Walter Drumm
Amen bro. I can count on the fingers of one hand any general in any branch who isn't a careerist pussy.
SSG Bill Cooke
If the 82nd Air Borne troops do not jump our of C130s what are they going to jump out of. Some plane with jet engines. How stupid is that? Modern properly modified C130s are the perfect plane for those who jump to jump our of. And turn the C130s over the the Army and let Warrant Officers fly them just as Warrant Officers fly the Hilicopters.
Understable, the US Army has its own resources. The US Airforce also has it's own. Aren't we all just one team supporting the greater good for our country? So if special forces soldiers are pinned down, should F-16's not provide air support? Should it only be Army Helos that support it? One nation one team, right?
MSgt Ernesto Delapaz Jr
It will not be long before the Air Force becomes a part of the Army just like the Marine Corps under the Navy and re-name us the Army Air Corp again
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