Posted on May 13, 2021
Air Force still backing Alabama as new Space Command headquarters
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 2
Well, as long as we don't get Space Rabies. (From Howard the Duck) Anyway, any of you been to a hospital down there?? Hope not.
SSG Dave Johnston
They quit using leaches and poultices sometime ago... ya just gotta remember that with a median household income for Alabama was $51,734 in 2019 doctors aren't going to be flocking into the area
That's fine by me... Isn't Huntsville Al. Redstone Army Arsenal where NASA stored all the boosters during the Gemini and Apollo missions? With the way the City of Colorado Springs keeps allowing developers to stick residential structures all around the Airport/Peterson AFB ignoring the fact the military aircraft have no 'mufflers', it's like reading the sub/story from the novel "Airport"... you know local bitch at the Airport Manager/Base Commander about the noise from the aircraft, forgetting that the airport was there before their houses went up...
For those of us that live in Colorado Springs area, we've notice a dramatic decline in USAF aircraft using Peterson AFB over the years, seems that the primary use of the AFB is to move troops from Ft Carson in and out of theater... that, and being military housing for Schriever AFB and NORAD Personnel.
For those of us that live in Colorado Springs area, we've notice a dramatic decline in USAF aircraft using Peterson AFB over the years, seems that the primary use of the AFB is to move troops from Ft Carson in and out of theater... that, and being military housing for Schriever AFB and NORAD Personnel.
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