Posted on Jan 16, 2018
After 30 years on American soil, Detroit immigrant deported to Mexico
Edited 7 y ago
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 9
"After 30 years on American soil, Detroit immigrant deported to Mexico".
Good. I wish it had not taken so long but better late than never.
Good. I wish it had not taken so long but better late than never.
SN James MacKay
Well, Col., I agree, but you seem to downplay the fact that he was doing his best to do what's right. And why the slur against his attorney? I'm sure that you'd agree with me that the current immigration statutes are a mess, and have long needed an overhaul.
LTC (Join to see)
SN James MacKay - While I agree that our immigration laws need some work, they aren't as bad as they appear. What is really bad is our on-again, off-again, half-assed enforcement of them, largely a result of the Executive Branch undermining them or not enforcing them. THAT is the real mess ... IMV ... and I further note that you can find examples from both Republican and Democratic administrations. I didn't intend any slur against his attorney. You read that into my comment. Immigration attorneys don't usually have wealthy clients. This one must have been, relatively speaking, a pleasant exception.
SN James MacKay
LTC (Join to see) - OK, sorry about the attorney remark. I have a long time acquaintance who is an immigration attorney. And you're right, administrations come and go, and they each have their own idea's on the subject.
LTC (Join to see)
SN James MacKay - Yep … and we could start by calling a spade a spade … "illegal alien" vice "illegal immigrant." Immigrants, by federal definition, are legally here. Next we could amend the federal code to make first offense illegal entry into our country a felony vice a misdemeanor. I could go on but won't.
While I have a sympathy I find myself asking if he did anything in the last 30 years to make his status here legal.
SN James MacKay
According to the original article, "He's been trying for years to find a path to live legally in the U.S., with he and his wife spending $125,000 in legal costs and fees since 2005..."
For those confused regarding status in the USA, this is an accurate list of categories.
Immigration Terms and Definitions Involving Aliens | Internal Revenue Service
A general summary of U.S. immigration terminology.
LTC (Join to see)
How strange. I didn't find "undocumented immigrant" anywhere in that list. It must be an oversight ... Democrats and their media arm couldn't possibly be mistaken .... ;)
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