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Responses: 3
SPC Terry Page
I found this link about the Taliban origin. I thought it popped up here on RP last week, but in any event it's only a few pages and a good brief rundown.

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SSG Edward Tilton
i think "Center of the World" is a stretch. There hasn't been anything there for centuries.
CPL Jerry Masters
CPL Jerry Masters
3 y
Actually, deception is the problem with those that don’t know who is really in charge of mankind!! The answer is really simple!! Our Creator, who revealed Himself through the Man, Jesus Christ!! The Way, The only Way, The Truth, The Only Truth, and The Life, which is Eternal!! But you MUST first SURRENDER!! It’s Glorious!!
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
3 y
CPL Jerry Masters - Do you have any evidence to show that your version of the Abrahamic god is better than the Jewish version or the Muslim version? Or for that matter, that it's better than Odin, Maec-Awaetok, Zeus, and so on? Or the Hindu Trimurti (trinity) that consists of Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver, and Shiva the Destroyer?

Why should we believe in your god over the other gods?
CPL Jerry Masters
CPL Jerry Masters
3 y
Capt Gregory Prickett
The difference between their God and our God is that their god is dead, our God , Who gave His Life for us, and was resurrected from The Grave and is now sitting at The right hand of The Father!! And, He’s Supernatural in His promise to never leave us or forsake us!! He is there, all the time!! Omniscient! Omnipresent and Allknowing!! Always there, Living His Life through us!!
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
3 y
CPL Jerry Masters - How do you know that their god is dead, and that yours is alive? A good number of my people are fairly certain that Maec-Awaetok is still in charge.
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CPL Jerry Masters
They were deceived!! A lot of the third world is deceived!!
CPL Jerry Masters
CPL Jerry Masters
3 y
Capt Gregory Prickett
They were deceived by the same serpent that deceived Eve in the garden!! Satan!! The prince of this world!! It’s in The Scriptures!! Read The Word of God!! The Bible!!
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
3 y
CPL Jerry Masters - I've read the Bible, from cover to cover, multiple times. I've never had a run-in with a talking serpent, and have never heard of anyone else who has either. Or at least no one with reliable evidence.

So why do you believe that instead of the Qur'an? It claims some of the same things as your book.
CPL Jerry Masters
CPL Jerry Masters
3 y
Capt Gregory Prickett
The entire Holy Bible features One Person in every book!! Jesus Christ!! You cannot understand The Scriptures entirely, unless the third Part of The Trinity, The Holy Spirit!! Again I repeat; I’ve had a Supernatural Experience with The Omnicient God, and a man with an Experience is never at the mercy of a man with an Argument!! My God’s favorite hangout is at the end of your rope!! Sounds like many folks are near there or soon will be, especially if you’re looking for Salvation!! End of argument!!
Capt Gregory Prickett
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