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Responses: 2
MSG Thomas Currie
Lots of likely reasons for an increase (if there really was one), none of which can be proven, but off the top of my head:
1) "During COVID" is perhaps a coincidence, maybe "After the 'mostly peaceful' riots" is a better marker for when this started.
2) Regardless of how you describe the when, the fact is there have been far more "first time" gun owners than at any time before, many of whom grew up in homes without guns
3) More people (both adults and children) were at home "during COVID" due to businesses closed or working from home, daycare and preschool facilities closed, schools using remote learning.
4) COVID lockdowns made it difficult or impossible for new gun owners to get training.
5) The expansion of "Constitutional Carry" resulted in more people carrying guns with less training.
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SrA Ronald Moore
I do not think you should take guns out if good peoples hands when there is any shooting, but up the requirements like A gun has to be kept in a case, not landing out or In the closet
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