Posted on Aug 7, 2020
Abolish the Police? Those Who Survived the Chaos in Seattle Aren’t So Sure
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
LTC (Join to see)
It is sad that politicians want to 'out left' each other in seeing who can cut the most bone away from law enforcement. I hope this becomes a November surprise for Democrats. They will probably be ranting and babbling as much as Kayne West or Joe Biden if President Trump wins in November. The Ted Cruz challenge to Democrats in Congress to put down ANTIFA druggies was met by crickets in congress. The Center Left is too afraid or to biased to think freely.

Police Viewed Less Favorably, But Few Want To 'Defund' Them, Survey Finds
A poll conducted in mid-June found that most respondents thought police officers should be held legally accountable for misconduct. But few respondents favored cutting funding for law enforcement.
LTC (Join to see)
MSgt Robert "Rock" Aldi I never considered myself special. But lately, the progressives have accused me of this or that without asking me and using the Socratic method that they teach in law school. I had a weird household with a social worker and a sheriff officer who got along even though one was Irish-american and the other one was born in Honduras with being of different cultures but being Catholic and their faith made them a strong couple. Right now, we are in a revolution and nobody wants to admit it. I am just stating my side of the story from my captain coworker who works in our command. If it were not from input from him, then others here could poke holes and leave reasonable doubt. I was going to his garage every other night to work out during the week while I was there on my 25 days in a city North of Seattle. I am just trying to defend my honor because the racial tensions are there even if the Police do things correctly. I am just bringing up a possible reality. Thank you again for the compliment! I don't have the need to be right but I do want to give to you the information I have learned so you can make your own decision. I have been voting since 1980 and this is the craziest I've ever seen on anti police rhetoric by people who do not care to make things work.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Capt Gregory Prickett Ok I'll defer to your expertise but things like that are a good chunk of the perception issue the police have with the general public.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
MSG Joseph Cristofaro Again, I'll defer to those with expertise, but police departments need to do a better job of explaining to the public that the fact that a vehicle is reported stolen deserves that response vs a routine traffic stop where most of what you mention could also apply.
LTC (Join to see) 2nd and 3rd order affects? Seriously.... these are the people that want 2+2=5 with common core math. They can't even see 1st order affects. This is nothing more than idiots being elected into office and getting drunk on power.
LTC (Join to see)
Some of these same people think Fidel is an Angel. Some are actually for civil rights but they do not understand that the woke are being conned in the biggest political swindle. This is a continuation of 1960s American Communist revolution from the late 1960s continued by a younger generation of idiots. I have discussed this on other posts. Even if HRC had won, the revolution would continue but not at this pace. The Corona Virus was the sachel charge or JDAM bomb that kicked off their revolution in May, 2020. BLM was around 3 years ago but it was a side show. I think the Democrat rebel idiot class of 2018 was the advanced guard put in place. All I know is the Democrats and some Republicans are too afraid to stand up to them now. Very troubling!
LT Brad McInnis LTC Greg Henning Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen MSgt Robert "Rock" Aldi MSG Joseph Cristofaro
LT Brad McInnis LTC Greg Henning Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen MSgt Robert "Rock" Aldi MSG Joseph Cristofaro
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