Posted on Mar 30, 2022
A Kansas school district won't remove the Bible despite a challenge over its mature themes
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 9
Keep religion out of schools. Don't want young kids introduced to sex in school? Take out the mature themed Bible. Dont be hypocrites.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
At least public schools, but then there is that line from the Billy Joel song....You Catholic girls start much too late...... [login to see] f11e751458a&sp=2&qs=MT&pq=song+only+the&sk=PRES1AS1&sc=8-13&cvid=74846ab05dd [login to see] f11e751458a&shtp=GetUrl&shid=ec38a64b-5d9f-4925-a43e-9664c5b495e5&shtk=QmlsbHkgSm9lbCAtIE9ubHkgVGhlIEdvb2QgRGllIFlvdW5nIChMaXZlIGF0IEZhcm0gQWlkIDE5ODUp&shdk=QmlsbHkgSm9lbCBzaW5ncyBcIk9ubHkgdGhlIEdvb2QgRGllIFlvdW5nXCIgYXQgRmFybSBBaWQgaW4gQ2hhbXBhaWduLCBJbGxpbm9pcyBvbiBTZXB0ZW1iZXIgMjIsIDE5ODUgYWNjb21wYW5pZWQgb24gcGlhbm8gYnkgUmFuZHkgTmV3bWFuLiBBIHBlcmZvcm1hbmNlIGZyb20gdGhlIGZpcnN0IEZhcm0gQWlkIGJlbmVmaXQgY29uY2VydC4gV2lsbGllIE5lbHNvbiwgTmVpbCBZb3VuZyBhbmQgSm9obiBNZWxsZW5jYW1wIGZvdW5kZWQgRmFybSBBaWQgYW5kIHNlcnZlIG9uIHRoZSBib2FyZCBvZiBkaXJlY3RvcnMuIFRoZSB0aHJlZSBhZ3JlZWQgdGhhdCBmYW1pbHkgZmFybWVycyB3ZXJlIGluIGRpcmUgLi4u&shhk=TBFDd7YHGxP%2FaB5OgcXSSOCbhUNG5%2BFC%2BUta1uvHmmM%3D&shth=OVP.qFNAG-_Qp8MPoWmORBGXoQHgFo
Fair is fair - if they're going to remove other books for "adult themes' then they need to remove the Bible. It's all or nothing...don't censor some things and not censor others.
Also there's no "attack" on Christianity of any form in the US. No Christians in the US are persecuted - you just aren't the majority anymore.
Also there's no "attack" on Christianity of any form in the US. No Christians in the US are persecuted - you just aren't the majority anymore.
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