Posted on Sep 5, 2021
A COVID Surge Is Overwhelming U.S. Hospitals, Raising Fears Of Rationed Care
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel Didn't we already go through this business last year of threatening to ration health care? How will they decide who gets care? Political connection? Do you have a lot of money? How old you are (dump the senior citizens to the wolves)? It is a crisis but if they are going to have a rationing protocol there needs to be a written plan and stick with it regardless of who the person it. And one more thing, it needs to be publicly posted.
This is scare tactics! There is not a surge! Been to 15 hospitals in my state in the past week and Covid isn’t filling the hospitals! The hospitals here are back to full services!
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