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Responses: 44
SPC David Hannaman
I'm going to pose a simple solution (that may not be totally appropriate).

Treat it as an elective medical ?process? ?Procedure?. After all to my knowledge the Military doesn't provide for a flat chested woman to get breast augmentation (to my knowledge, it's been 20 years since I wore the uniform). In addition, signing up for the Military is a contract... just underscore the idea that someone is expected to be in uniform in the gender they signed the contract as (that's why there's male and female grooming standards and dress uniforms).

When you start trying to exclude one group or another from service it opens all kinds of things up to debate and legal wrangling, and the real question "Does it help or hurt the mission" gets lost. I served along side female, gay, and lesbian soldiers and they didn't have any problem doing the job. Sure sometimes the females were ...distracting... but so were Gameboy's and Spades tournaments.

I see Trans-gendered asking for the DOD to pay for gender reassignment the same way I see Illegal immigrants complaining about being asked for identification during a traffic stop. It's asinine to even think about debating it.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
Great response which makes your point well understood.
SPC Donald Moore
SPC Donald Moore
>1 y
It should be considered elective surgery and the government should not be paying for it. Simple as that.
I think that the whole reason they join is for the free surgery.
SPC David Hannaman
SPC David Hannaman
>1 y
SPC Donald Moore - Then shame on us for offering it. Same could be said about unemployment... I keep hearing "I make more drawing unemployment than I can at any of the jobs I've been offered."... makes me want to puke, or throat-punch, or throat-punch and then puke, but I can't really blame them either... what idiot turns down free money?!
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SFC Everett Oliver
So what? The military should stop being used for these social experiments.
SSG Power Generator Technician
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
I agree remember Bruce Jenner now he wants to be a a man again .And he is extremely depressed . There is a Harvard study that there is a 82% more of chance for transgenders to commit suicide than other genders.
SSG Diane R.
SSG Diane R.
7 y
These statistics are incorrect.
Maj Privileged Advanced Practice Nurse
Maj (Join to see)
7 y
SSG Diane R. - It's actually closer to 40%. That's with or without surgery. And that is a *significant* number.
SSgt Boyd Herrst
SSgt Boyd Herrst
6 y
Take these social experiments and do it with the ‘peace corps..
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Capt Seid Waddell
Norming mental problems cannot be good for military effectiveness.
PO1 Don Watkins
PO1 Don Watkins
>1 y
People with the transgender mental illness should not be able to join the military. This is a illness that needs to be treated and not glorified or made to think they are special.
SSG Jacey R.
SSG Jacey R.
>1 y
PO1 Don Watkins - I guess it is a good thing that transgender is not a mental illness. Transgender have been serving their country without issues. There is a well known from WW2.

I am extremely confused as to how you think someone is glorified just by being able to serve openly as their true self, that doesn't mean they think they are special.

Why do think you are so special to decide who is qualified and who is mentally ill? It is your opinion and you are entitled to your own opinion, be right or wrong; but you should not try telling someone they think. I have not met a transgender person that thinks being transgender makes them special.
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
>1 y
Gay used to be classified as a mental illness. Such classifications are normally created and latched on to by people to support their bigotry.
SGT Air Defense Radar Repairer
SGT (Join to see)
4 y
Capt Seid Waddell Its not z mental problem it is a biological problem. This is how they are born. Your ignorance on the subject is glaring.
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