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Responses: 53
CW3 Network Architect
I didn't care much for Ronald Reagan, especially because of his role in dismantling this nation's mental health infrastructure, Iran-Contra, and having his cronies in Congress raise taxes on the middle class 11 times during his 8 years in office.

Having said that, at least he looked and acted presidential. At least he made an effort to be the adult in the room. Trump is just a blowhard who never mentally left junior high school. We *will* be in a war with someone within the first 100 days of a Donald Trump presidency, I guarantee it.
Capt Michael Greene
Capt Michael Greene
>1 y
Prepare to bomb women and children and bring back torture, cause that'll Make America Great Again. /sarcasm
PFC Jim Wheeler
PFC Jim Wheeler
>1 y
Do you know the winning Powerball numbers for this week?
Sgt William Straub Jr.
Sgt William Straub Jr.
>1 y
I would have thought that considering the past 8 years of a President who paid little attention to the Constitution, that someone like Trump would be a popular choice, particularly to the Military. I like the fact that he has caused some discomfort in the world. I don't believe that he will get us into a war. The same thing was said about Reagan. He will surround himself with professional and competent advisers. He may even surprise all the "Sky is falling" people.
PO1 Kerry French
PO1 Kerry French
8 y
Don't ask him for the winning numbers to Powerball because apparently he's not right on his prediction. Time to go back to his day job because psychic isn't working out for him
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CPT Military Police
Edited >1 y ago
I have a hard time comparing Trump to Reagan. Reagan was great because he had the qualities of a great leader, Trump has the qualities of a great bully which may make him a great business man but I'm not to sure how that will work as President of the U.S.. It's not always what you say but how you deliver it that makes the difference.
Capt Michael Greene
Capt Michael Greene
>1 y
SSG Ryan R. - Bankruptcy four times? And most of his ventures--Trump steaks, Trump: The Game, etc. have failed. He's a lawsuit magnet because he screws over so many people. 3500 lawsuits! He's left his partners and bankers and investors holding the bag for billions. Is that the strong leader that fights for "what's right"?
Capt Michael Greene
Capt Michael Greene
>1 y
SSG Ryan R. - I'm not defending HRC. I only point out that Trump has no sense of right or wrong that we would agree with (I hope). He is a narcissist--a dangerously mentally ill person, in my uneducated opinion.
Capt Michael Greene
Capt Michael Greene
>1 y
"I know more about ISIS than the generals." --Trump at a rally.
That is one scary statement.
Sgt William Straub Jr.
Sgt William Straub Jr.
>1 y
Capt Michael Greene - I totally disagree with the mentally ill comment. I am from the NY metropolitan area and have know of Donald Trump for many years. He is brash, supremely self confident, and a good businessman. It seems that at this point we need someone who knows the importance of business, budgets, and work. I am disturbed by the tenor of the comments I have noticed lately. I had far more fear of HRC getting elected than of Trump.
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CWO3 Instructor
One thing I like about Trump is that he cannot be bought. Not like the other candidates that basically have to stick to a party line in order to be able to receive donations. There were a lot of promises made during last house and senate elections and honestly, I haven't seen any of them come true. I hope whoever wins fixes our economy and displays more patriotism. It's time we put AMERICA first!!
PO3 Donald Murphy
PO3 Donald Murphy
9 y
They all do. There are no true Reagan republicans or Kennedy democrats anymore. They all worship the almight dollar. This is why I laugh when people get upset at thoughts/suggestions to change our currency logo. I feel it should be changed. Instead of **IN** God we trust, it should be **THE** God we trust. Because with few exceptions, they all vote for the plan/bill/scheme that will give them the most return.
PO2 Investigator
PO2 (Join to see)
9 y
Trump has proven ties to organized crime and has been in bed with the new York banking families for decades. circle that around the fact that the self proclaimed billionaire is now fund raising one million dollars for his general election campaign and the entire argument is gone.

he is no longer self-funded and to be perfectly honest he has been "bought" for at a minimum the past 20 years. look into his securities fraud conviction and check out the laundry list of accomplices and their criminal activity.
MAJ Intelligence (S2)
MAJ (Join to see)
9 y
Trump is not self-funding his campaign. In fact, he's in dire financial straits. http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/trump-camp-concedes-its-low-on-money/article/2592501
Sgt William Straub Jr.
Sgt William Straub Jr.
>1 y
MAJ (Anonymous) - Apparently you know very little outside of the media comments about Trump. He accepted No PAC money, wasn't a favorite of the special interest groups and isn't going to accept a salary, other than what is required by law. I think his comment was taking no salary except $1.00/year.
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