Posted on Oct 11, 2024
Drownings of 2 Navy SEALS were preventable, military probe finds
Posted 5 mo ago
Responses: 4
When I first began riding a motorcycle I wondered how far I could lean in a turn before it either fell over or slipped out from under me. I suppose it was morbid curiosity that caused me to experiment to find out. Fortunately, common sense saved me from hurting myself and my motorcycle. I can well imagine a few on RP who have little respect for me thinking to themselves, "What a wuss!" (and I bet they never rode a motorcycle). I suspect that I can draw a parallel between my experience with the motorcycle and the sense of macho/bravado shared by special forces who goad each other into learning the limits of their strength and endurance. I also suspect that they challenge each other beyond the limits of their common sense. Thus, it is up to leaders to recognize those limits and be the adult when needed.
When your seriously doubt yourself, in any small or large job..especially when it has to lives depending on you; check 5 times..rather to have an outcome like this. If your supervisor or CO tries to put you off; honestly I would rather be written up for insubordination all day long
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