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Responses: 5
SGT James Murphy
I'd like to mention that Glenn Beck had a Black Hawk Pilot call in and he had viewed the footage several times. He said he's done the same thing by accident a couple times. They can't tell how much wash they are creating and how light the facilities tents etc are until they try to land. If the wash is too much and knocks things over they back off which is exactly what the video shows so this is much ado about nothing. Murph.
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MSG Thomas Currie
It appears that coordination was poor on both sides. Apparently the NCNG was given the mission to deliver portable generators and someone gave that general location as the place to deliver those generators. From what information has come out so far, there was no communications between the helicopter and anyone on the ground at the site. The aircrew did the best they could, but "best" is just another way of saying "least damage" -- hopefully the AAR will result in better performance on both sides next time. (and yes, there will be a next time)

Local authorities need a better understanding of what happens when a helicopter lands. NG authorities need to recognize that local authorities probably don't know what is going to happen. Both sides need to ask more questions and get more information. And, yes, flight crews need to be more aware of those disconnects and realize that they may have been given a completely inappropriate location as an LZ. Hopefully everyone can get beyond the finger-pointing, quit covering their six, and start thinking about how should we do this better next time.
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MSgt Steven Holt, NRP, CCEMT-P
The couple of videos I saw doesn't make it clear if there was a designated LZ in the immediate area. I shall refrain from finger pointing until better information is available.
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