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Responses: 2
Maj Owner/Partner
More likely true than not. We know he's full of controversial views, that Russia has disinformation campaigns, and that they like to sew discord. Easy to put those together to get this.
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CPT Jack Durish
I have two problems with this report. I'm sure that those who hate/fear President Trump (and Elon Musk by association) are all to willing to jump on this report as true. I'm not. I realize that Russia would far rather have to deal with Kamala as President than Trump. Of course, there are those who will argue that Biden/Harris have been supporting Ukraine in the war against Russia whereas President Trump wants to put a quick stop to the drain on American resources. However, that is only the product of those who only consider first order consequences. Biden/Harris have been slow-walking arms and ammunition to Ukraine thereby insuring that Ukraine only has enough to continue the bleeding without any chance of winning. Russia is well known for its strategy of meat assaults and damn the consequences. President Trump on the other hand has a history of putting a quick end to conflicts. One attempt at negotiation and then an overwhelming assault to end it. Remember ISIS (or the JV Terrorist organization as President Obama named them)? I'm guessing that the Russians have better memories than many Americans. My second problem with this report is the source. Sorry, but I have a kneejerk reaction to all broadcast news which has repeatedly demonstrated their bias.
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