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Responses: 2
SPC Kevin Ford
You mean this bill?
"But here’s the thing: Illegal immigrants can already be deported for committing crimes, starting with the crime of being here illegally. In fact, more than 200,000 of them were shown the door for that very reason in 2023 alone. And with regard to the kinds of violent offenses Mace is talking about, even legal immigrants can be deported for committing those kinds of crimes.

In short, the bill is unnecessary. And what’s worse, experts say its text is so vague and poorly drafted that it’s likely to get survivors– yes, survivors – of sexual violence tossed out of the country. In fact, that’s why the National Task Force to End Sexual and Domestic Violence opposes the bill .

It’s also why critics correctly argue that Mace’s legislation isn’t really legislation at all. Rather, it’s what practitioners of the dark art of politics call a “messaging bill” – that is, a bill whose only purpose is to communicate a clear message to voters.

And in this case, we’re sad to say, Mace’s message to her constituents couldn’t be clearer: “I think you’re dumb. And I think you’ll fall for this pandering idea that really isn’t worth the paper it is printed on so I can look tough.”"


This should likely be moved to political opinions.
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SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
We have too many insane people in this country. They need to be institutionalized until they are well.
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