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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
LTC Eugene Chu Spreading "Fake News!" Where do I hear that in this Country? Oh Yeah from Conservatives in this Country!
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Capt Jeff S.
Edited 4 d ago
Proudly proclaiming one's Liberal indoctrination is like being proud to tell the whole world that you are suffering from a wasting mental illness. Those who espouse woke Progressive ideology* are delusional. They fancy themselves tolerant but block those who call them out in debate and expose their fallacious arguments. They go by the adage, "When you can't beat them, block them!" Silencing the voice of dissent is just what Liberals do because they can't win arguments on the merit of their position. They fail at logic and play to feelings. It's just how they roll. The fact that they can't stand criticism is an unwitting admission that they lack confidence in their message. Deep down they know it but you'll never get them to admit it.

So what is woke Progressive ideology you ask? Here are just a few of the silly things woke people believe in:

* Belief that America is a racist country that should be ashamed of its history and owes the world an apology for its exceptionalism.

* Belief in Progressivism, which celebrates man's scientific achievement and use of technology (AI) to solve ALL the world's problems.

* Belief in forcing companies to undergo DEI training so that they can ensure all employees will be abke to get their work done in a less hostile workplace. Those who don't believe in the virtues of DEI are racist bigots and need to be cancelled.

* Belief that the purpose of education is to provide an opportunity for Progressive indoctrination. Children belong to the State and parents do not have a right to know what the schools are teaching their children.

* Belief that there are more genders than male and female. Science states otherwise for humans.

* Belief that biological males who identify as women should be free to use women's locker rooms and participate in women's sports.

* Belief that LGBT's should be a protected victim class that deserves to be recognized by the Federal gov't and be granted minority status, marriage rights, as well as to have their rainbow flag flown (as a show of solidarity with their movement) at gov't buildings while they are being celebrated for a whole month for their "bravery" in coming out. They also believe in engaging in lawfare with anyone who disagrees with their agenda -- particularly Christian owned businesses which they have targeted for destruction.

* Belief that countries should have open borders.

* Belief that crime goes down when you defund the police.

* Belief that guns cause gun violence and that more aggressive gun control is needed to curb violence in our country. Strangely enough, among the areas suffering the most violent crime are Democrat controlled sanctuary cities with some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation!

* Belief that illegal immigrants are not here illegally and that they are just undocumented citizens who should be free to get drivers licenses, collect benefits from the government, and register to vote Democrat in our elections...

* Belief that mail-in ballots, early voting, and no voter ID are needed to help people to vote. (In truth, mail-in ballots were tried by several countries and dropped because they can't be tracked and simply facilitate election fraud).

* Belief that mothers have a right to kill unwanted babies and that the Federal Gov't is responsible for protecting their right to do so. Interestingly, they don't want to address the father's rights or more importantly, the baby's right to life. Science states that the fetus is a human being whereas the courts ruled that it is not a person -- except in cases where a pregnant woman is murdered because then they can charge the perp with a "double homicide??!!" Those who are woke are oblivious to the irony.

* Belief in the cause of racial and social justice. Everyone is a victim of this and that EXCEPT for white males (especially white Christian males with military backgrounds who cling to guns and religion... and the Constitution?!!)

* Belief that Climate Change is the greatest threat not just to America, but to mankind, and the entire planet. It's not science if your published work doesn't contain the obligatory nod to Climate Change as a man-made crisis exacerbated by the burning of fossil fuels, farting cows, agriculture, deforestation, etc. and the solution is for everyone to live in tiny homes, stay home and telecommute as much as possible, and either eat vegan, or eat lab grown protein and bugs.

* Belief that Trump is worse than the anti-Christ and that he must be stopped by all means! Their only lament is that the shooters didn't get a kill-shot off. @@ /sarc
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