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Responses: 2
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
It seems in her speech at the DNC she said she would sign the bipartisan border security bill - the one Trump ordered his allies to kill because he doesn't actually want to help the country. He just wants to help himself.

That bill does not include any new money for a wall - it requires the unspent money allocated for it to be spent on the wall. But Trump didn't even build a new wall when he was in. They fixed a lot of old parts of what was already there and didn't add much new wall.

But that border bill is a lot more than just "build a wall." It's also a small fraction of what Trump had proposed to spend too. The legislation allows 650 million on a wall - Trump requested 18 billion in 2018. The bill also has provisions for more money for asylum lawyers and judges for the overloaded immigration system. Gives the POTUS authority to shut down the border if more than 5K migrants cross per day and there is no new money to continue building the wall. The only thing with the wall is it extends the timeline to spend funds appropriated during Trump's last year in office and has new restrictions to ensure money is spent on barriers.

I mean I don't expect the NY Post to report everything. But I know you guys love to just follow them, OANN, Newsmax, Gateway Pundit...
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CAPT Genevieve Rich, MD, Ph.D.
I just can’t even listen to her. She is not a woman of any substance. When she called Biden courageous for pulling out of Afghanistan I literally wanted to vomit. I knew one of the 13 and had the honor of being at Arlington yesterday.
CAPT Genevieve Rich, MD, Ph.D.
CAPT Genevieve Rich, MD, Ph.D.
1 mo
You know absolutely NOTHING about me or my substance. Trust me I am not happy about anything that happened in Afghanistan. I was there and I lived it everyday and had to repair people. Let me know what you did before you comment on my substance or my vibe. Biden did not even listen to his advisors when it came to the pull out. But I am not going to debate it with you. Oh, as for the photo ops you only saw what the news reported. The family wanted photos.
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