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Responses: 4
CPL LaForest Gray
V1 : https://youtu.be/Yizui6i3P5g?si=AxFq5kyrjzo0g3GI

1.) Trump Doubles Down on Offensive Medal of Honor Remarks, Ignoring Outrage from Veterans

In a Pennsylvania interview, Trump reaffirms controversial statements about Medal of Honor recipients, dismissing criticism from veterans.

* Brett Meiselas57 minutes ago

Trump’s doubling down is likely to deepen the anger among veterans, many of whom have already expressed their outrage at his dismissive and insensitive comments. The former president’s remarks not only undermine the sacrifices made by Medal of Honor recipients but also highlight his long-standing pattern of disrespect toward military service.

SOURCE : https://meidasnews.com/news/trump-doubles-down-on-offensive-medal-of-honor-remarks-ignoring-outrage-from-veterans
MSG Thomas Currie
MSG Thomas Currie
1 mo
Did anyone whining about this "disrespect" actually listen to or read a full transcript of the remarks? That seems unlikely! I think most people complaining have just read the Democrat version of remarks carefully edited out of context then explained as if the part they clipped was the actual statement.

Trump said its usually better to get the Medal of Freedom than the Medal of Honor because nearly everyone getting the Medal of Freedom is alive, healthy, and doing well, while nearly everyone who gets the Medal of Honor was either killed or very badly wounded in the action that got the medal.

He never said that one medal was better than the other.

This is just like the stupid Democrat claim that Trump said if he was elected he was going to do away with voting. He told supporters that IF YOU VOTE FOR ME IN THIS ELECTION and I'm elected, you won't ever have to do THAT again. The statement is true because if Trump is elected he won't ever run again so obviously no one will ever have to vote FOR HIM again.
CPL LaForest Gray
CPL LaForest Gray
1 mo
V1 : https://youtu.be/MG39f5rGC-4

V2 : https://youtu.be/vtVZJ2SqVYE

V3 : https://youtu.be/I4THhsGcIvM

"And I said, 'Man, that’s like big stuff. I always wanted to get the Purple Heart," Trump said. "This was much easier.”



In 2020’ going into 2021’ ... what you think/thought couldn’t happen in the #usa #america #amerikkka is currently happening and 99.9% of citizens are deers in the headlights. 2017’ was the rally/battle cry ... in 2020 you’ve got :


“Why 780 retired generals and former national security leaders spoke out against Trump”.

Source : https://www.google.com/amp/s/news.yahoo.com/amphtml/why-780-retired-generals-and-former-national-security-leaders-spoke-out-against-trump-204428356.html

The Military Speaks Out
Serving and Retired U.S. Military Leaders’ Views about the Trump Administration

SOURCE : https://www.newamerica.org/international-security/blog/military-speaks-out/

#coup #Stalin #Hitler #MuammaralQaddafi

“A coup does not always entail shooting, and it does not always mean a transfer of power. Sometimes, the perpetrators of a coup are already the leaders of a country, in firm control of the government and its entire security apparatus.

These leaders came to office legally (more or less) and may continue to command popular support (or at least a “base”). They launch a coup not to overthrow the government, but to throw off constraints on their own power”.

*** Disclaimer : This a repost from myself, because people are tooooo comfortable with the status quo. ***

“I will not apologize for telling the FACTS, in a world that worship the lies”.
CPL LaForest Gray
CPL LaForest Gray
1 mo
V0 : https://youtu.be/xvI2q6Rbmx0?si=5GcmSmFbE8yyzU4_

V1 : https://youtu.be/UQjdwsZhE_Q?si=JSh3kLUlTMasMSEy

Trump tells Christian voters "they won't have to vote anymore" if he is elected in November

Former President Donald Trump told attendees at a conservative Christian event on Friday night that they "won't have to vote anymore" if he is elected into office in November. He implored Christians to save America by voting "just this time," so that he can win the presidential election in a landslide "that's too big to rig."

"Christians get out and vote. Just this time," he urged. "You won't have to do it anymore. Four more years. You know what? It'll be fixed. It'll be fine. You won't have to vote anymore my beautiful Christians."

Trump continued: "I love you Christians and I'm a Christian. I love you, you got to get out and vote. In four years, you don't have to vote again. We'll have it fixed so good, you're not going to have to vote."

[ He told the audience that the justice system had unfairly gone after him, using rhetoric similar to that often used by Trump.

"What happened to me, can happen to you," said Navarro. "If they can come for Donald Trump, they can come for you." ]

Navarro served a four-month sentence for defying a congressional subpoena defying a congressional subpoena. He was released earlier this month.

The former president has previously sought to appeal to evangelical Christians.

In June, he told a group of politically influential evangelical Christians in Washington that they "cannot afford to sit on the sidelines" of the 2024 election, imploring them at one point to "go and vote, Christians, please!"

First published on July 27, 2024 / 2:15 PM EDT

SOURCE : https://apple.news/AuRqvZCArTc2Udh30_gPepQ

Foreign & Domestic :
V1 : https://youtube.com/shorts/PssB-GNRvDU?si=uHThlldObHOIEDAM

Trump makes threat if re-elected
V2 : https://youtube.com/shorts/PssB-GNRvDU?si=MKT9Qckmys2OmkGY

V1 : https://youtu.be/8Zs5kqoI6FI?si=hGwf8D_A23mKZak4

V2 : https://youtu.be/_Wkko8qbUzU?si=veFegQN3dy-me5Xy

V3 : https://youtu.be/Z4PEVCva8UI?si=b0EgFGo5aTpxUTOW

* a sweeping road map for a new GOP administration that includes plans for dismantling aspects of the federal government and ousting thousands of civil servants in favor of Trump loyalists who will carry out a hard-right agenda without complaint.

SOURCE : https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/nation/a-conservative-leading-the-pro-trump-project-2025-suggests-there-will-be-a-new-american-revolution/?utm_source=RSS&utm_medium=Referral&utm_campaign=RSS_all

The Think Tanks behind The Project 2025 should be treated as :

Domestic Terrorist

A Domestic Terrorist Organization

Supplying Aid to Domestic Terrorist and Terror Cells

Finical Aid to Domestic Terrorist and Terror Cells

Direct Clear & Present Danger to National Security

Charged with acting as a foreign agent against the American people.

Charged under the Espionage Act :

Espionage Act of 1917

The Espionage Act broadly sought to crack down on wartime activities considered dangerous or disloyal, including attempts to acquire defense-related information with the intent to harm the United States, or acquire code and signal books, photographs, blueprints, and other such documents with the intention of passing them to America’s enemies.

* The Act also outlawed false statements intended to interfere with military operations; attempts to incite insubordination or obstruct the recruitment of troops; and false statements promoting the success of America’s enemies.

SOURCE : https://www.intelligence.gov/evolution-of-espionage/world-war-1/america-declares-war/espionage-act#:~:text=The%20Espionage%20Act%20broadly%20sought,with%20the%20intention%20of%20passing

Charged using RICO for both money laundering and aiding terrorism domestically and aboard :

* The Application of RICO to International Terrorism

SOURCE : https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2885&context=flr

Brought up on Domestic Terrorist support under the 2001 PATRIOT ACT :

The USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 includes a statutory definition of domestic terrorism, which is codified at 18 U.S.C. § 2331(5). The definition describes domestic terrorism as criminal acts that are dangerous to human life and occur in the U.S. with the intent to influence the government or coerce civilians. The FBI defines domestic terrorism as violent acts committed by individuals or groups to further ideological goals that stem from domestic influences, such as political, religious, social, racial, or environmental influences.

SOURCE : https://www.congress.gov/107/plaws/publ56/PLAW-107publ56.htm#:~:text=[107th%20Congress%20Public%20Law%2056]%20[From%20the,[[Page%20271]]%20UNITING%20AND%20STRENGTHENING%20AMERICA%20BY

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SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
OMG!!! She is hilarious. She has no grasp of the inflation she caused with the Inflation Reduction Act. She goes on and on about a "Return on the Investments" for giving people free child care and homebuyers $25,000.00 each. Everyone knows there is no return on the investment for these items just like there was no return on the investments for the Inflation Reduction Act. They are still trying to spend all the tax money from the Inflation Reduction Act, what a mess. I just want her to keep talking. She's digging a hole that she can't get out of... it's not so much her talking as there is no way to justify her policies. The next two months is going to be fun.
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SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
If you can't call out when Trump tosses out word salads, shows clear signs of cognitive issues, denigrates the military, veterans and people in general and all his faults, you can't call out anyone else's. Otherwise you're a hypocrite. It's that simple.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
1 mo
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