Ah, conspiracy theories. They make me laugh. The problem with the vast majority of them is that they require secrecy and that will never happen. We can't seem to achieve it. You question me? I could refer you to Hillary who kept classified email on a server in her bathroom. If you or I had done that, we'd be in Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary a very long time. A Joe kept all manner of secrets in boxes in his garage. Forget Leavenworth and welcome to the firing squad. As Operations Officer for the U.S. Army Pacific Command (USARPAC) Strategic Communications Center, I sweat bullets safeguarding all types of classified communications (Top Secret/Crypto/SIOP-ESI) and every secret I handled ended up in the New York Times before it had reached room temperature thanks to some member of Congress showing off his "connectedness". Now, would anyone be dumb enough to attempt to pull off the assassination of a high profile American political figure and expect to get away with it? Are any that dumb? Well, yes, maybe so...