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Responses: 4
LTC Kevin B.
I like the last comment: Afghanistan veteran and director of Common Defense Perry O'Brien similarly called out Vance saying, "Veterans who attack each other's service are weird."

I agree. I've always been perplexed why some veterans feel the need to attack other veterans as a way of somehow differentiating themselves as being better (negative differentiation). Infantry do it to non-Infantry ("POGs"). Airborne do it to non-Airborne ("legs"). Rangers do it to Airborne. SF do it to Rangers. Pilots do it to non-pilots ("shoe salesmen"). Jet pilots do it to tanker and cargo pilots. On and on. Stand out by being proud of what you have done (positive differentiation), rather than bashing what others have or haven't done when serving.

This is a 2024 swiftboating, and the same person is behind it.
MAJ Byron Oyler
MAJ Byron Oyler
1 mo
LTC Kevin B. - Should people hate him absolutely not. Do people like me that it took years to tolerate fireworks again after being in theater have a right to call him out, absolutely. I spent eight months at a field hospital seeing what people do to other people, many civilians, many children, and perhaps if I had not seen that I would be easier on the guy. I have also been to Italy where he deployed and it is lovely. We have all seen people like Tim Walz that inflate their stories however he is running for the second highest political office in the country and I need that person to be smart enough to know this was going to be out for the entire country to talk about. Nothing wrong with never having deployed to a combat zone but he should have known selling that story was eventually going to burn him.
LTC Kevin B.
LTC Kevin B.
1 mo
MAJ Byron Oyler - This story was already out there because it had been brought up in two previous campaigns (that Walz won). I suspect they knew it would be out there, but just didn't expect the right to act so venomous about it. I also find that surprising because these are the same people who defended GWB when he was flying the friendly skies of Texas during the Vietnam War, while also ridiculing Al Gore for being in the rear writing stories. These are also the same people who attacked John Kerry's combat service (which all turned out to be false accusations), while protecting that same GWB. And, JD Vance is acting all high and mighty when he wasn't out there kicking down doors and engaging with the enemy either (his role was very much like Al Gore's). And, he's doing so while being on the ticket with someone who used his family's influence to avoid serving all together. When taken in that broader context, this all comes across to me as nothing more than another clear example of political theater.
MAJ Byron Oyler
MAJ Byron Oyler
1 mo
LTC Kevin B. - It is politics and Dan Quayle caught just as much heat in 1989 for only serving in the NG.
LTC Kevin B.
LTC Kevin B.
1 mo
MAJ Byron Oyler - Quayle was paired up with a WWII combat vet who earned the Distinguished Flying Cross. The Democrats definitely couldn't find anything about GHWB's military background to attack, so Quayle was the "soft target". With that being said, it didn't help because GHWB won that election. I don't think this line of attack will help either.
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LTC Self Employed
My conjecture is that if Senator Vance had mis-stated his military record, The media and democrats would be all over him. And it would be a non-stop news cycle for 2 weeks.

SFC John Davis SFC Kelly Fuerhoff MSG Billy Brumfield

It is not a big deal to me. I have three overseas stripes and I served and Iraq in Afghanistan.

Democrats and news anchors will be p***** off dislike when President Trump went to an open townhall at c.N.N and a scene and executive was terminated.

MAJ Byron Oyler LTC Kevin B. LTC Kevin B. SFC (Join to see) Maj (Join to see)

I think Gov. Walz is weird enough and has enough problems not including his military record.
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Maj John Bell
Edited 1 mo ago
I don't care about any of it. Did he serve honorably or not? I haven't seen anything that says he didn't.

Did he carry a weapon in combat? It appears he did not. And, that someone else said he did, while he was standing there. But he did not correct their comment. That is wrong.

I'll be perfectly happy if he comes out and clarifies that he did not serve in combat and if appropriate, apologizes for not correcting the mistake.

Now can we get back to the issues. The man is so far to the left that he's got cover from the horizon when you're looking West on a beach in California.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
1 mo
MAJ Byron Oyler - Well I have told my daughter that because it's easier to explain to a child at her age. I've told her I went to Iraq twice. She said "you went to war?" I said yep. She's not going to understand at her age so I just leave it at that for her.

The Republican party of 1988 is NOT the Republican party of 2024 or the last 8 years. Be realistic.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
1 mo
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff - He acts like he did something special? How so?

I'll freely admit that I don't think military service is an indicator that someone will be good at governing. Most of the service members I got to know and respect, would be horrible in public office. They view the world in black and white. they make a decision and have little patience for feelings, power plays or office politics; and they expect the task to be done efficiently and damn quick. that's great in a military environment. it doesn't work well in the civilian world where everyone thinks they are royalty and must be treated as such.

I'll agree with you on the hypocrite stuff, but you have to concede that Vice President Harris flip flop on President Biden in the 2020 election cycle from primary opponent to running mate, and the change in rhetoric is cut from the same cloth.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
1 mo
MSgt Steve Sweeney - The suckers and losers nonsense is based on one article in the Atlantic with two anonymous sources. Only one of those sources claims to have directly heard it. The other claims to have heard discussion of it. Multiple sources that are not fans of President Trump who were on the trip deny hearing even a whisper of it. Give it up.

The "well joey down the street was doing it too" argument doesn't cut it. Governor Walz is running for higher office. If someone embellishes his record, intentional or not, he should correct it.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
1 mo
Maj John Bell - It is based on statements made by General John Kelly and his close association with Trump and comments made on more than one occasion. Are you implying that General Kelly is a liar?

The fact is, Walz is a democrat so people including fellow veterans feel it is okay to attack his military record because he is a democrat and certainly don't hold Republicans to the same standard. Character assassination of any veteran on a Democrat ticket is a go to tactic for the right, from John Kerry to, now, Tim Walz.
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