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MSG Stan Hutchison
An Orange Chicken,,,, with bone spurs.
CPL LaForest Gray
CPL LaForest Gray
2 mo
1.) Among America's political elite, Reuters found that...


...descend from ancestors who enslaved Black people

A chiseled block of sandstone in the U.S. Capitol’s visitor center serves as a reminder that the home of the nation’s Congress was built in part by enslaved Black people.

A bronze plaque says the stone, originally part of the building’s exterior, “commemorates their important role in building the Capitol.”

Many lawmakers need look no further than their own family histories to find a much more personal connection to slavery in America, a brutal system of oppression that resulted in the deadliest conflict in U.S. history.

In researching the genealogies of America’s political elite, a Reuters examination found that a fifth of the nation’s congressmen, living presidents, Supreme Court justices and governors are direct descendants of ancestors who enslaved Black people.

Among 536 members of the last sitting Congress, Reuters determined at least 100 descend from slaveholders. Of that group, more than a quarter of the Senate – 28 members – can trace their families to at least one slaveholder.

Those lawmakers from the 117th session of Congress are Democrats and Republicans alike. They include some of the most influential politicians in America: Republican senators Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Tom Cotton and James Lankford, and Democrats Elizabeth Warren, Tammy Duckworth, Jeanne Shaheen and Maggie Hassan.
In addition, President Joe Biden and every living former U.S. president – except Donald Trump – are direct descendants of slaveholders: Jimmy Carter, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and – through his white mother’s side – Barack Obama. Trump’s ancestors came to America after slavery was abolished.

SOURCE : https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-slavery-lawmakers/

* the best way to discuss those forced to participate in the institution of slavery, today most are choosing to use the term “enslaved” rather than “slave.” The word “slave” is a noun. Due to the historical implications of slavery, the word often reduces the enslaved person to an object. In order to reflect agency and recognition to the enslaved individual and to remind us about the violence and inhumanity of slavery, “enslaved” is used wherever possible throughout this initiative.

2.) Slavery in the President's Neighborhood :

The complicated past and the paradoxical relationship between slavery and freedom in the nation's capital.

SOURCE : https://www.whitehousehistory.org/spn/introduction

3.) Slavery in the President's Neighborhood: The Complicated Past and the Paradoxical Relationship Between Slavery and Freedom in the Nation's Capital

SOURCE : https://www.archives.gov/calendar/event/slavery-in-the-presidents-neighborhood-the-complicated-past-and-the-paradoxical-relationship-between-1

4.) The ONLY Reason Trumps family wasn’t linked to enslaving Black/African/Mulatto people in America is because the family according to documentation so far, states the Trump family arrived slavery was abolished …. You know, because they were Immigrants.

The Trump Family’s Immigrant Story

For decades, they denied their German roots, claiming to be of Scandinavian origin.


On October 7, 1885, Friedrich Trump, a 16-year-old German barber, bought a one-way ticket for America, escaping three years of compulsory German military service. He had been a sickly child, unsuited to hard labor, and feared the effects of the draft. It might have been illegal, but America didn’t care about this law-breaking—at that time, Germans were seen as highly desirable migrants—and Trump was welcomed with open arms.

* More than a century later, his grandson, Donald Trump, became the 45th president of Friedrich’s adopted home.

Hmmm why be ashamed :

“But for decades, Trump denied this German heritage altogether, instead claiming that his grandfather’s roots lay further north, in Scandinavia. “[He] came here from Sweden as a child,” Trump asserted in his co-written book The Art of the Deal.”

fact, his cousin and family historian John Walter told The New York Times, Trump maintained the ruse at the request of his own realtor father, Fred Trump, who had obfuscated his German ancestry to avoid upsetting Jewish friends and clients.

* After the war,” Walter told the Times, “he’s still Swedish. [The lie] was just going, going, going.”

Trump is the son, and grandson, of immigrants: German on his father’s side, and Scottish on his mother’s.

* None of his grandparents, and only one of his parents, was born in the United States or spoke English as their mother tongue. (His mother’s parents, from the remote Scottish Outer Hebrides, lived in a majority Gaelic-speaking community.)

* But when his draft dodging came to the fore, the couple lost their Bavarian citizenship and were obliged to return to America for good

[[[ COWARDICE is Heritable in the TRUMP Family Tree … Trump Family aka “Draft Dodging Cowards Internationally]]]

SOURCE : https://www.history.com/news/donald-trump-father-mother-ancestry
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Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
DonOLD can insist on all he wants but under the same rules that he backed out from under. Not a campaign rally on Fox.
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CPL LaForest Gray
Cultural Blind Spot
V1 : https://youtu.be/rR5zDIjUrfk?si=2GZrfya_-rPiXvbk

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V3 : https://youtu.be/H2CFG_ABORM?si=diKsDb_spOd0_oJJ

1.) How to address DEI concerns of white men who feel they’re being disadvantaged

Organizations may need to address concerns of those employees who feel they’re being disadvantaged by diversity, equity & inclusion initiatives aimed at under-represented individuals

The need for white men to increase their support for diversity, equity & inclusion (DEI) efforts within their organizations has been discussed for quite some time. There are a myriad of reasons why there is a lack of engagement, however. These include some white men who want to engage but don’t want to intrude, some who do not know how to engage as an ally, some who offer support only when asked to do so, and some who think these initiatives are unfair.

Indeed, a few men believe that DEI efforts at their firms and companies disadvantage them and voice some real concerns about it. To learn how best to respond to these concerns, the Thomson Reuters Institute consulted with its Equity, Diversity & Inclusion advisory board to gain the experience of members and learn their thoughts on effective responses.

* 3 ways to address concerns about specific initiatives being unfair

Here are some of the best ways to respond to concerns around ERGs and other internal efforts that white men may see as more advantageous to minority talent:

1. Collect more information and listen for common ground — Seek to understand what men are perceiving as unfair by saying, “Tell me more about what you see as unfair…”

2. Point out that diverse talent is good for business — Explain to them that clients want diverse perspectives in their supply chain. There are hundreds of in-house counsel and corporate accounting and tax functions that are looking for diversity on the teams that staff their engagements because they see the value of having different perspectives — such as gaining new insights or avoiding blind spots. Failure to adhere to these requirements means that law and accounting firms run the risk of losing work, which hurts everyone.

3. Make it personal about legacy — Ask those who have concerns, “Wouldn’t you want your daughter (or wife, mother, niece, or LGBTQ cousin) to be in an environment where their perspective is valued, and they can thrive?”
Then, emphasize that white men may also identify as members of under-represented or marginalized groups at times. All communities are multidimensional, including people with disabilities, veterans, first-gen college students, and LGBTQ+ individuals, among others. In this way, white men may be members of an under-represented group as well.

SOURCE : https://www.thomsonreuters.com/en-us/posts/news-and-media/addressing-dei-concerns/

2.) White Men Are Feeling Left Out Of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion. Why Should We Care and What Should We Do?

Now fast forward to the current world of work where DEI (Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion), when it is rightfully embedded into an organization’s culture, is changing the game for the good of all. And although the mission is to ensure that employees of all genders, races and ethnicities, abilities and disabilities, religions, cultures, ages, and sexual orientations are included, have their voices heard, and receive opportunities for advancement…there is a group that has been feeling excluded from these efforts - white men.

White men hold most leadership positions and decision-making power in US society (and globally). So, at first glance, it may seem surprising to learn that they are feeling excluded from anything. But according to the White Men's Leadership Study, a study of white men and DEI, nearly 70% report feeling “forgotten” by diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts. Feeling uncertain about whether DEI includes them is the main reason they say they either disengage or are not as committed to it as others in their organization.

No one wants to feel disadvantaged, as if something is being taken away from them. But some of the stories I am hearing from white men in regard to DEI are things like:

* A white male leader lamenting that he got passed up for promotion eight times because a woman or person of color was selected over him

* An engineer being told that he could only promote diverse talent, even though there was a white man on the team who had more knowledge and skill for the role

* An acquaintance saying that he had to go to “another stupid DEI training” at his company and that he wasn’t going to let them “brainwash him” into thinking he was somehow bad because he is a white guy

SOURCE : https://www.forbes.com/sites/teresahopke/2022/03/30/white-men-are-feeling-left-out-of-dei-diversity-equity--inclusion-why-should-we-care-and-what-should-we-do/?sh=26a1b993faa6

3.) A Sociologist Examines the “White Fragility” That Prevents White Americans from Confronting Racism

SOURCE : https://www.newyorker.com/books/page-turner/a-sociologist-examines-the-white-fragility-that-prevents-white-americans-from-confronting-racism

1.) How the Supreme Court has ruled in the past about affirmative action

November 1, 20225:01 AM ET

The legal battle over affirmative action in higher education has been ongoing for decades — and this week, the volleys began anew.

On Monday, the Supreme Court heard arguments in a pair of cases that seek to put an end to universities' ability to consider race when evaluating applications for admission.

It's far from the first time affirmative action has been challenged in court. Since its inception amid the civil rights movement of the 1960s, major cases have come before the Supreme Court several times.

SOURCE : https://www.npr.org/2022/11/01/ [login to see] /supreme-court-affirmative-action-history-harvard-admissions-university-carolina

2.) The Supreme Court Has Killed Affirmative Action. Mediocre Whites Can Rest Easier.

The court ended one of our most effective social justice policies because anything that isn’t seen to primarily benefit white people is anathema to this country.

Elie Mystal
JUNE 29, 2023

While conservatives on the Supreme Court delivered the fatal blow, the policy has long been made vulnerable by the soft bigotry of parents, whose commitment to integration and equality turns cold the moment their little cherubs fail to get into their first choice of college or university.

If you want to see a white liberal drop the pretense that they care about systemic racism and injustice, just tell them that their privately tutored kid didn’t get into whatever “elite” school they were hoping for.

If you want to make an immigrant family adopt a Klansman’s view of the intelligence, culture, and work ethic of Black folks, tell them that their kid’s standardized test scores are not enough to guarantee entry into ivy-draped halls of power.

Some of the most horribly racist claptrap folks have felt comfortable saying to my face has been said in the context of people telling me why they don’t like affirmative action, or why my credentials are somehow “unearned” because they were “given” to me by affirmative action.

SOURCE : https://www.thenation.com/article/society/supreme-court-killed-affirmative-action/tnamp/

3.) Affirmative action ruling will reinforce systemic racism, civil rights leaders say

The big picture: While affirmative action has ended, legacy admissions, which have existed since before Jim Crow, will continue. Those policies essentially help white students from upper-middle-class and wealthy families.

Abolishing one policy to address a history of racial disparities while keeping another that has fostered them for centuries will make college campuses less diverse, civil rights leaders said.

* "In a society still scarred by the wounds of racial disparities, the Supreme Court has displayed a willful ignorance of our reality," NAACP President and CEO Derrick Johnson said in a statement.

Details: Black, Latino, Native American and immigrant civil rights organizations uniformly denounced the ruling.

* Black Voters Matter, LatinoJustice, National Parents Union, and the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund were among the many groups that said the ruling endangers the country's future by.

* "Affirmative action and holistic admissions is not a handout. It's not really a hand-up. It is what students deserve," Damon T. Hewitt, president and executive director of the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, said.

SOURCE : https://www.axios.com/2023/06/29/civil-rights-affirmative-action-naacp-urban-league

*** Disclaimer : This a repost from myself, because people are tooooo comfortable with the status quo. ***

“I will not apologize for telling the FACTS, in a world that worship the lies”.
CPL LaForest Gray
CPL LaForest Gray
2 mo
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
2 mo
"WARNING, Will Robinson,"The British Are Not Coming"
~ But You' May Be In A World Of Sh*T~
CPL LaForest Gray
CPL LaForest Gray
2 mo
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney

Trump tells Christian voters "they won't have to vote anymore" if he is elected in November

Former President Donald Trump told attendees at a conservative Christian event on Friday night that they "won't have to vote anymore" if he is elected into office in November. He implored Christians to save America by voting "just this time," so that he can win the presidential election in a landslide "that's too big to rig."

"Christians get out and vote. Just this time," he urged. "You won't have to do it anymore. Four more years. You know what? It'll be fixed. It'll be fine. You won't have to vote anymore my beautiful Christians."

Trump continued: "I love you Christians and I'm a Christian. I love you, you got to get out and vote. In four years, you don't have to vote again. We'll have it fixed so good, you're not going to have to vote."

[ He told the audience that the justice system had unfairly gone after him, using rhetoric similar to that often used by Trump.

"What happened to me, can happen to you," said Navarro. "If they can come for Donald Trump, they can come for you." ]

Navarro served a four-month sentence for defying a congressional subpoena defying a congressional subpoena. He was released earlier this month.

The former president has previously sought to appeal to evangelical Christians.

In June, he told a group of politically influential evangelical Christians in Washington that they "cannot afford to sit on the sidelines" of the 2024 election, imploring them at one point to "go and vote, Christians, please!"

First published on July 27, 2024 / 2:15 PM EDT

SOURCE : https://apple.news/AuRqvZCArTc2Udh30_gPepQ

Foreign & Domestic :
V1 : https://youtube.com/shorts/PssB-GNRvDU?si=uHThlldObHOIEDAM

Trump makes threat if re-elected
V2 : https://youtube.com/shorts/PssB-GNRvDU?si=MKT9Qckmys2OmkGY

V1 : https://youtu.be/8Zs5kqoI6FI?si=hGwf8D_A23mKZak4

V2 : https://youtu.be/_Wkko8qbUzU?si=veFegQN3dy-me5Xy

V3 : https://youtu.be/Z4PEVCva8UI?si=b0EgFGo5aTpxUTOW

The Think Tanks, planners, designers, that are trying to implement their treasonous policies of “THE PROJECT 2025’ “ should be labeled and treated as “Enemies of the American People and The United States”.

They have provided two public documents with plans to overthrow the U.S. Government & Constitution, and establish a Dictatorship.

Plan FACT 1 : https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf

Plan FACT 2 : https://www.heritage.org/solutions/

* RICO Charges

* Domestic Terrorist Organizations

* National Security Threat

* Espionage Charges

* Acting as a Foreign Agent against America’s National Security

* 2001 ^NSA Surveillance - PATRIOT ACT

The National Security Agency’s mass surveillance has greatly expanded in the years since September 11, 2001. Disclosures have shown that, until recently, the government regularly tracked the calls of hundreds of millions of Americans. Today, it continues to spy on a vast but unknown number of Americans’ international calls, text messages, web-browsing activities, and emails.

SOURCE 1 : https://www.justice.gov/archive/ll/highlights.htm#:~:text=Allows%20law%20enforcement%20to%20use%20surveillance%20against,follow%20sophisticated%20terrorists%20trained%20to%20evade%20detection.

^What is the sentence for domestic terrorism?

Domestic Terrorism Offense

Prohibits committing, attempting, soliciting, or conspiring to commit any felony with the intent to intimidate a civilian population; influence government policy by intimidation; or affect government operation. The offense is a felony punishable by up to life in prison or death.
Mar 7, 2024

SOURCE 2 : https://www.icnl.org/resources/terrorism-laws-in-the-united-states#:~:text=2010-,Domestic%20Terrorism%20Offense,life%20in%20prison%20or%20death.

V0 : https://youtube.com/watch?v=j1TXsGa4EEQ&si=XOWYX4C70RA_Q8iQ

V1 : https://youtu.be/ZXMjpc_gS8o?si=5GRBwo62ivSYSD6i

“second American Revolution” that will be bloodless “if the left allows it to be.”

Project 2025 PDF https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf

V1 : https://youtu.be/3JNKIGYV2bw?si=RWPYR25Prpe6MncN

Religious Indoctrination/2024 Nazism/

V2 : https://www.instagram.com/reel/C89xU6nKF0k/?igsh=MXhqdDJycHdhdmcxdA==

V3 : https://youtu.be/3JNKIGYV2bw?si=RWPYR25Prpe6MncN

1.) A conservative leading the pro-Trump Project 2025 suggests there will be a new American Revolution
July 3, 2024 at 11:36 am Updated July 3, 2024 at 12:28 pm

NEW YORK (AP) — The leader of a conservative think tank orchestrating plans for a massive overhaul of the federal government in the event of a Republican presidential win said that the country is in the midst of a “second American Revolution” that will be bloodless “if the left allows it to be.”

* Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts made the comments Tuesday on Steve Bannon’s “War Room” podcast, adding that Republicans are “in the process of taking this country back.”

* Roberts’ remarks shed light on how a group that promises to have significant influence over a possible second term for former President Donald Trump is thinking about this moment in American politics. The Heritage Foundation is spearheading Project 2025, a sweeping road map for a new GOP administration that includes plans for dismantling aspects of the federal government and ousting thousands of civil servants in favor of Trump loyalists who will carry out a hard-right agenda without complaint.

SOURCE : https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/nation/a-conservative-leading-the-pro-trump-project-2025-suggests-there-will-be-a-new-american-revolution/?utm_source=RSS&utm_medium=Referral&utm_campaign=RSS_all

The Think Tanks behind The Project 2025 should be treated as :

Domestic Terrorist

A Domestic Terrorist Organization

Supplying Aid to Domestic Terrorist and Terror Cells

Finical Aid to Domestic Terrorist and Terror Cells

Direct Clear & Present Danger to National Security

Charged with acting as a foreign agent against the American people.

Charged under the Espionage Act :

Espionage Act of 1917

The Espionage Act broadly sought to crack down on wartime activities considered dangerous or disloyal, including attempts to acquire defense-related information with the intent to harm the United States, or acquire code and signal books, photographs, blueprints, and other such documents with the intention of passing them to America’s enemies.

* The Act also outlawed false statements intended to interfere with military operations; attempts to incite insubordination or obstruct the recruitment of troops; and false statements promoting the success of America’s enemies.

SOURCE : https://www.intelligence.gov/evolution-of-espionage/world-war-1/america-declares-war/espionage-act#:~:text=The%20Espionage%20Act%20broadly%20sought,with%20the%20intention%20of%20passing

Charged using RICO for both money laundering and aiding terrorism domestically and aboard :

* The Application of RICO to International Terrorism

SOURCE : https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2885&context=flr

Brought up on Domestic Terrorist support under the 2001 PATRIOT ACT :

The USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 includes a statutory definition of domestic terrorism, which is codified at 18 U.S.C. § 2331(5). The definition describes domestic terrorism as criminal acts that are dangerous to human life and occur in the U.S. with the intent to influence the government or coerce civilians. The FBI defines domestic terrorism as violent acts committed by individuals or groups to further ideological goals that stem from domestic influences, such as political, religious, social, racial, or environmental influences.

SOURCE : https://www.congress.gov/107/plaws/publ56/PLAW-107publ56.htm#:~:text=[107th%20Congress%20Public%20Law%2056]%20[From%20the,[[Page%20271]]%20UNITING%20AND%20STRENGTHENING%20AMERICA%20BY

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