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Responses: 2
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
Edited 2 mo ago
I Have Little Faith In Polls As ,When I Was In The Printing Business, We Printed Survey Polls For The XXX Political Party, Sometimes, What LOOKED Like The Same One ~ Several Times, Over And Over,. But What They Did Was: Take The Survey, Reword The Questions They Did NOT Like The Replies To, UNTIL They Got The Answers They Wanted.... THEN They Could Say "Our MOST RECENT Survey Shows...." . ~ So Much For 'Honesty In Polls', They May Very Well Be Among The Biggest Lies We've Been Told~
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CPL LaForest Gray
* Before ANYONE says anything Asinine to me about this subject do your FACTS FINDINGS …. Both #2 & #3 are directly from “The Rothschild Archive”

* SOURCE : https://www.rothschildarchive.org/family/

White Nationalist established Israel as Historical Documention Proves as FACTUAL.

V1 : https://youtu.be/JFu-OUHpCLo?si=2gxOtOAjUD7NrGjo

V2 : https://youtu.be/kI_spMxp6t8?si=fK65comOd-ETLhMd

V3 : https://youtu.be/ZXfuqUhzESg?si=RodG-Z9f9SwRalqy


That’s the illustrious misdirection sold by Bush Jr. administration.... “The War on Terrorism”.

It’s a war as old as mankind and the face forever changes.... Terrorism doesn’t fall under the Geneva Convention.... there are and never have been rules to it. It’s why the average citizen across the globe can’t grasp why you can’t take out terrorism.

Israel was established by a collection of European countries to further their foothold and agendas in that region. They had been fighting and establishing peace amongst themselves for thousands of years.

Fact find the terrorist attacks on European countries prior to the establishment of Israel and since. Those attacks increased not solely because of the establishment of Israel but because of Western countries being seen as they are.... invaders.

These European countries have started, backed proxy wars and political coo’s, assassinated politicians and figureheads to further their agendas, armed one side or both.

Them fighting in their own house is one thing.... European countries being ringleaders is something that both citizens and military personnel have paid for with their lives.

And save that argument about them invading western countries, that B.S. propaganda for western countries to do and keep doing what they’ve done.

U.S. Army Combat Veteran
12 1/2 years Honorable Service ODS Vet : Support Garrison
OEF/OFI Vet : Deployed to Theatre
No Political Affiliation

* Facts : https://youtu.be/42FmObIfodY?si=_81hdVS5pBpP4WlI

1.) In 1917 Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild was the addressee of the Balfour Declaration to the Zionist Federation, which committed the British government to the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.

Edmond's work in Palestine
A strong supporter of Zionism, his most outstanding achievements were involved in responding to the threats facing the Jewish people in Europe in the late 19th century by supporting massive land purchases and underwriting Jewish settlements in Palestine and Israel.

Edmond's large donations lent significant support to the movement during its early years, which helped lead to the establishment of the State of Israel. In the 1880s, in his goal for the establishment of a Jewish homeland, Edmond’s philanthropy funded Jewish settlements and encouraged the development of agriculture and industry.

'The Benefactor', as he was known provided support for Jewish colonists, overseeing dozens of new colonies. Rishon le Zion (the First in Zion) was followed by others bearing the names of his parents.

Edmond stimulated the economic development of the settlements by investing in new crops, such as wine, grapefruit and avocado, and industrial enterprises such as silk production; he played a key role in Israel's wine industry.

Under the supervision of his administrators in Ottoman Palestine, farm colonies and vineyards were established, and two major wineries were opened in Rishon le Zion and Zikhron Ya'akov. Edmond paid his first visit to the colonies in 1887, to inspect the progress that had been made in the first five years.

In 1899, responsibility for the Rothschild settlements was transferred to form the Palestine branch of the Jewish Colonisation Association, which had been founded in 1891 by the Bavarian philanthropist Baron Maurice de Hirsch to help Jews from Russia and Romania to settle in Argentina. Baron de Hirsch died in 1896 and thereafter the JCA began to also assist the Jewish settlement in Palestine. At the end of 1899, Edmond transferred title to his colonies in Palestine plus fifteen million francs to the JCA.

In 1924, the JCA branch dealing with colonies in Palestine was reorganised by Baron Edmond as the Palestine Jewish Colonisation Association (PICA), under the direction of his son, James de Rothschild (1878-1957). PICA acquired more than 125,000 acres (50,586 ha) of land and established a range of business ventures. As well as offices in Palestine, PICA had offices in Paris. After the 1929 Palestine riots PICA helped to rehabilitate agricultural colonies that had been damaged.

SOURCE : https://www.rothschildarchive.org/family/philanthropy/baron_edmond_de_rothschild_and_palestine

2.) Who was behind the Balfour Declaration?
30 OCTOBER 2017

Below, Al Jazeera examines the key players involved in realising the Balfour Declaration.

This week, Palestinians around the world are marking 100 years since the Balfour Declaration was issued on November 2, 1917.

The Balfour Declaration was a public pledge by Britain, declaring its aim to establish "a national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine.

The statement came in the form of a letter from Britain's then foreign secretary, Arthur Balfour, addressed to Lionel Walter Rothschild, a figurehead of the British Jewish community.

But the declaration was by no means formulated and decided upon overnight - rather, it had been in the works for years, involved many people and was drafted numerous times before being sent out.

The pledge is generally viewed as one of the main catalysts of the ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1948 and the creation of the Zionist state of Israel.

SOURCE : https://interactive.aljazeera.com/aje/2017/behind-balfour/amp.html

3.) Walter Rothschild and the Balfour Declaration

On November 2, 1917, the British Government expressed its sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations and announced that it would use its “best endeavours” to facilitate “the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people”.

The announcement came in a letter from Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Lionel Walter, 2nd Lord Rothschild (1868-1937), the unofficial leader of the British Jewish community.

The Balfour agreement became the diplomatic foundation stone of the state of Israel. The origins of the letter had begun in the early twentieth century, when Chaim Weizmann, the leading spokesman for Zionism in Britain began to solicit support among the British people, shortly after he settled in Manchester in 1904.

Origins in The First World War
Beginning in 1916, the British hoped that in exchange for their support of Zionism, “the Jews” would help to finance the growing expenses of the First World War, which was becoming increasingly burdensome. More importantly, policy-makers in the Foreign Office believed that Jews could be prevailed upon to persuade the United States to join the War.

At this time, there were very strong pro-Zionist feelings by many of the political elite and establishment. Many of Britain’s leaders, including Prime Minister David Lloyd George, and Balfour himself, felt for the Jews and their history. These men were deeply religious Christian Zionists. They had grown up on the Bible; the Holy Land was their spiritual home.

They believed that modern Zionism would fulfil a divine promise, and re-settle the Jews in the land of their ancient fathers.

SOURCE : https://www.rothschildarchive.org/collections/rothschild_faqs/walter_rothschild_and_the_balfour_declaration

4.) Balfour Declaration
United Kingdom [1917]

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Last Updated: Dec 8, 2023 • Article History

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Balfour Declaration, (November 2, 1917), statement of British support for “the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.” It was made in a letter from Arthur James Balfour, the British foreign secretary, to Lionel Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild (of Tring), a leader of the Anglo-Jewish community. Though the precise meaning of the correspondence has been disputed, its statements were generally contradictory to both the Sykes-Picot Agreement (a secret convention between Britain and France) and the Ḥusayn-McMahon correspondence (an exchange of letters between the British high commissioner in Egypt, Sir Henry McMahon, and Ḥusayn ibn ʿAlī, then emir of Mecca), which in turn contradicted one another (see Palestine, World War I and after).

SOURCE : https://www.britannica.com/event/Balfour-Declaration

*** Disclaimer : This a repost from myself, because people are tooooo comfortable with the status quo. ***

“I will not apologize for telling the FACTS, in a world that worship the lies”.

Did the Rothschild buy land in Israel?

Several of the moshavot established by the Baron were named after members of his family, including Zichron Yaakov, Mazkeret Batya, Bat Shlomo, Binyamina and Givat Ada. In all, Baron Rothschild purchased more than 500 square kilometers of land in Israel, upon which he established more than 40 settlements.

https://www.caesarea-assets.com › רו...
Rothschild and Caesarea

Rothschild and Caesarea
“Throughout the nearly two-thousand-year history of the Jewish people in the Diaspora, there was probably no figure equal, or even comparable, to the amazing Baron Edmond de Rothschild- the builder of Jewish settlement in the renascent Jewish homeland of modern times.

Even the combination of three distinguished personalities: Don Yosef Nasi, Sir Moses Montefiore and Baron Hirsch, each of whom accomplished great things in his own way and in his time, could not match the personality of the “Famous Benefactor,” with his great vision, wide-ranging enterprises and exceptional accomplishments.”

The plight of the Jews of Russia and the pogroms that raged there in 1881 led the Baron to the conclusion that the solution to the problem of the Jewish people in Eastern Europe lay in Jewish immigration to Israel, where Jews could build a new life. Influenced by the chief rabbi of Paris, the Baron began to support the Hibat Zion movement and the first groups of Jews who tried to immigrate to Israel and establish new moshavot (agricultural colonies).

In the initial stages of his activities in Israel, the Baron did not reveal his role in the financing of the Jewish settlement, and he was simply known as the “Famous Benefactor”.

SOURCE : https://www.caesarea-assets.com/en/רוטשילד-וקיסריה/#:~:text=Several%20of%20the%20moshavot%20established,established%20more%20than%2040%20settlements.

*** Disclaimer : This a repost from myself, because people are tooooo comfortable with the status quo. ***

“I will not apologize for telling the FACTS, in a world that worship the lies”.
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