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Responses: 16
LTC Eugene Chu
From your article:

Anthony Ghiotto, a former Air Force prosecutor who now teaches law at the University of Illinois, said there are several reasons why a service member could receive this type of discharge, including as a potential result of a court-martial conviction, in lieu of a court-martial proceeding, or if they commit a civilian infraction that can’t be disciplined through the military justice system.
MSG Billy Brumfield
MSG Billy Brumfield
2 mo
Multiple DUIs fall into that category but go ahead and speculate to your hearts desire.
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1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
Patricia Overmeyer
Patricia Overmeyer
2 mo
This is would put a stop to a lot of this bullshit policing practices. And instead of the taxpayers having to foot the bill, it should start coming out of the officer's pockets as well.
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CPL LaForest Gray
It’s business as usual nationwide …


Cops Lied About Why They Dragged 5 People from Their Car Near Brickyard Mall, Used Racist, Sexist Slurs: Misconduct Agency

Heather Cherone | June 24, 2022 6:29 pm

“Chicago Police Supt. David Brown agreed with the findings made by the Civilian Office of Police Accountability, known as COPA, and recommended that the Chicago Police Board terminate Officer David Laskus. COPA also recommended that Officer Patrick Dwyer be fired for using racist and sexist language during the incident, but he retired in July 2020.

Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 7 President John Catanzara did not respond to a request for comment from WTTW News about Brown’s decision to terminate Laskus.

The probe found no evidence that Mia Wright, Tnika Tate, Kim Woods, Ebony Wilbourn and Javon Hill attempted to loot a sporting goods store at the Far Northwest Side strip mall on May 31, 2020. The City Council agreed in March to pay $650,000 to Wright, whose sight was damaged during the incident, and $243,750 to each of the four other people in the car.

During a contentious meeting of the City Council’s Finance Committee meeting to consider that settlement, Ald. Nicholas Sposato (38th Ward) said he was convinced that Wright and her four friends, who are Black, were there to loot the sporting goods store because they would not have traveled from North Lawndale to shop in Belmont Cragin, a neighborhood that is home to a majority of white and Latino Chicagoans.

Sposato is a close ally of Mayor Lori Lightfoot, who called him her “friend and conscience” Wednesday at an unrelated news conference.

Ultimately, the City Council voted 34-13 to settle the lawsuit in March, the first significant payment approved by city officials to compensate Chicagoans who alleged they were mistreated by Chicago Police officers during the unrest and protests that swept the city in the wake of Floyd’s murder.

The incident was captured by several bystanders on cell phone videos and prompted widespread outrage.

Laskus falsely told investigators that he saw someone with a hammer attempt to break a window at the Champs store and get back into the red Hyundai Wright and her friends were riding in, the investigation concluded.”

SOURCE : https://news.wttw.com/2022/06/24/cops-lied-about-why-they-dragged-5-people-their-car-near-brickyard-mall-used-racist

Racist Police Murder Black Man in Atlanta Having a Mental Health Crisis

Last Wednesday night, police in two different cities showed their racist, murderous role. In Atlanta, police murdered a Black man experiencing a mental health crisis. In Chicago, police shot and seriously injured a 13-year old boy.

“On the same day that he killed Cullins, the same police officer had shot and seriously injured an unarmed 13-year-old child in the back after he allegedly ran from a stolen car. Cops always use the excuse of self defense, but even that wasn’t on the table here; the next day, the police superintendent confirmed that there had been no gunfire directed toward the officers.

These are far from isolated incidents. The Chicago police murdered 13-year-old Adam Toledo while his hands were in the air just over a year ago. Last winter, the NYPD shot and killed Eudes Pierre in the middle of a mental health crisis. In March a year earlier, police in Rochester, New York strangled Daniel Prude, 41, on the cold asphalt as he wandered the streets naked during a mental breakdown. 

Chicago, Rochester, New York — all three cities have Democratic mayors and legislators, who, instead of providing mental health resources and first responders, prioritize police budgets. Democrats like Joe Biden claim that police just need “better training” and even more funding. But more funding and better “training” are not the solution.

The racist police always claim to fear for their lives, yet when a white supremacist murdered ten Black people in Buffalo, he was treated with kid gloves and taken into custody alive. Dylan Roof, who murdered nine Black people in a church was treated to a burger by the cops.”

SOURCE : https://www.leftvoice.org/racist-police-murder-black-man-in-atlanta-having-a-mental-health-crisis/
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
2 mo
CPL LaForest Gray Thanks for the Enlightenment!
CPL LaForest Gray
CPL LaForest Gray
2 mo
You’re welcome PO1 William "Chip" Nagel

Much hasn’t changed in (4 yrs)

From 2020’ :


1.) ‘We are just gonna go out and start slaughtering them’: Three cops fired after racist talk of killing black residents

Sitting in his patrol car in Wilmington, N.C., Officer Michael “Kevin” Piner predicted Black Lives Matter protests would soon lead to civil war. “I’m ready,” Piner told another officer, adding that he planned to buy an assault rifle.

“We are just going to go out and start slaughtering them f------ n------,” he said.

The shocking threat came amid extended, openly racist conversations between Piner, 44, and two other police officers, 50-year-old Cpl. Jesse E. Moore II, and 48-year-old Officer James “Brian” Gilmore.

In the discussions, taped by accident on a patrol car camera and released Wednesday by the department, the men freely drop racial slurs, suggest killing black residents and deride protesters.

“Wipe 'em off the f------ map,” Piner said of African Americans. “That’ll put 'em back about four or five generations.”

All three officers were fired Wednesday, with new Wilmington Police Chief Donny Williams, who is black, calling the conversations “brutally offensive.”

“This is the most exceptional and difficult case I have encountered in my career,” said Williams, who was just hired as chief on Tuesday.

“We must establish new reforms for policing here at home and throughout this country.”
The officers’ vile discussions came to light purely by chance.

On June 4, a sergeant was conducting routine video reviews when she found a nearly two-hour long clip from Piner’s cruiser created by an “accidental activation,” according to a department report.

After listening to the racist discussion, she alerted a superior who started an internal investigation.

SOURCE : https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/06/25/wilmington-racist-police-recording/


SOURCE : https://www.ojp.gov/pdffiles1/87616.pdf

3.) Antioch police text scandal: officer boasts about hurting suspects

From 2023’ (3) Months Ago :


By Aja Seldon
Published 2 days ago

Antioch cop brags about hurting suspects, text messages show

An Antioch police officer bragged about his use of brutal force during the takedown of two Black men, according to the latest batch of text messages released from an investigation into misconduct permeating the Antioch Police Department.

Then, when suspects Terryon Pugh and Trent Allen were caught, one officer boasted about hurting the men during their arrests and shared photos of the injured suspects from their hospital beds.

The texts are part of a broad investigation of the Antioch Police Department by local prosecutors and the FBI.

Last week, the DA released messages from 14 Antioch officers involving racist and homophobic comments as well as possible admissions of other types of misconduct on duty.

A joint investigation conducted by the FBI and the Contra Costa County District Attorney’s Office released a report on Thursday detailing dozens of incidents of racist, homophobic, sexist and derogatory text messages involving 14 Antioch Police Department officers.

Today's DA report focuses on the messages sent and received by Officer Eric Rombough. In one text from March 23 last year, he said to his wife that he was "gonna unleash the 40 god next week."

Rombough was referring to the deployment of his 40mm launcher that fires non-lethal projectiles, the district attorney's report said.

Rombough continued to gloat about the arrests to another person, whose name is redacted in the investigative report.
"We managed to set up a perimeter and he got his a whooped in the back yard and I field goal kicked his head," he texted. Rombough then added, "I tried to knock him unconscious. And he got muzzle thumped 6 times before he gave us his hands."

Rombough also sent photos of Trent and Pugh's injuries after the violent arrests separately to Sgt. Josh Evans, United States Postal Inspector Francisco Garcia, and an unnamed person.

They all seemingly cheered at Rombough's actions, the report shows.

SOURCE : https://www.ktvu.com/news/antioch-police-text-scandal-officer-boasts-about-hurting-suspects.amp

Now reflect on the ones going on right now, that’ll NEVER make the news …. We were telling EVERYONE about Rodney King & George’s Floyd waaaaaaaaaaaaaay prior to VHS/Cellphones.
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