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Responses: 1
LTC David Brown
Edited 2 mo ago
It would really be nice if they woke up from their Biden fantasy. I have ocean front property in Arizona I well sell to any one who believes these blithering idiots. For four years the White House, press/media and Democrats have lied to you about Joe Biden’s cognition. Press conferences were coordinated between White House Staff and some of the press. Joe was given cheat sheets to use telling what order reporters were to be called on and the question that was to be asked. Access to reporters was restricted so the indignity of seeing Joe being chased away by a bunny clad White House staffer was on full display. Media/press Just before the debate gushed over Joe. Joe was sharp as a tack, best Joe Biden ever, asked penetrating questions, bla bla bla. Post debate many of these same gaslighting fools are now calling for Joe to step down. Well the media ever apologized for for one of the biggest cover ups in History? The press still hasn’t woke up from their Trump fantasy, the negative lies are still flying.
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