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Responses: 1
SFC Casey O'Mally
This is political grandstanding. Nothing more. Nothing less.

She presents a halfway compelling case if you don't know the truth. But her distortions and outright lies make things sus. And that she appears concerned with conflicts of interest yet does not go after "her side" for the exact same stuff shows it is just politics.
SFC Casey O'Mally
SFC Casey O'Mally
2 mo
SGT Mary G.
KBJ failed to recuse herself when she, herself, was, in essence, on trial at SCOTUS. I'd say that's a bigger concern than what AOC lays out here.

But also, Sotomayor failed to recuse (as fid For such) when her employer was in front of SCOTUS. Again, bigger deal than what AOC lays out here.

If AOC was *really* worried about conflicts of interest, there would be 5 justices up for impeachment. But there are not. Just 2. Wonder why that is.

Maybe because they only think there is time for 2 replacements to be fully vetted and installed prior to Trump re-taking the office on 2025, and they don't want to take a chance on Trump getting more appointments. Maybe because AOC is not willing to admit that liberal justices do THE EXACT SAME THINGS. Or maybe because she is just a stooge for others.

Or maybe some combination of all of the above. Or maybe something else entirely. I honestly don't know (although those are my three best guesses).

But what I *do* know is that AOC is ignoring greater malfeasance in order to go after Thomas and Alito. And I know she is using lies and exaggerations in her attack.

The "just politics" is not about the justices getting political. It is about AOC using politics to attack them.
SGT Mary G.
SGT Mary G.
2 mo
SFC Casey O'Mally - Point well taken. I don't know about the other incidents you mentioned. If it is all about being partisan, then I wonder why the folks on the other side of AOC's aisle didn't suggest impeaching the other folks who have violated. The rules apply to everyone.
SFC Casey O'Mally
SFC Casey O'Mally
2 mo
SGT Mary G. Because SCOTUS has wife latitude in determining their own recusals. Most people in Congress understand that.
SFC Casey O'Mally
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