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Responses: 1
COL Randall C.
I'm not sure why NBC is reporting "more than a third of states" as the CDC is only tracking 11 states* so far (although only 10 show up in the data). Possibly using some other source (WNV is a mandated reportable to the CDC though)?

While WNV is serious and precautions* should be taken (especially since WNV isn't the thing carried by mosquitos), according to the CDC 80% of people that are infected with WNV will show no symptoms and likely will never be reported.

Of the other 20% infected, 99.33% will develop a fever and other symptoms with the remaining 0.67% developing into a severe illness affecting the central nervous system. About 10% of those with severe illness infections will be fatal.

One thing for sure though - July, August and September are the months where WNV shows up the most.
* CDC's current year data (2024) for West Nile Virus - https://www.cdc.gov/west-nile-virus/data-maps/current-year-data.html
* Preventing mosquito bites - https://www.cdc.gov/mosquitoes/pdfs/MosquitoBitePreventionUS_508.pdf
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