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Responses: 2
LTC David Brown
Well he is the smartest guy Joe knows…
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SFC Casey O'Mally
To all the Republicans who didn't bat an eye when Trump pardoned his former advisors or when he gave his kids official roles: STFU.

To all the Democrats who were up in arms about either or both of the above: Here is a chance to prove you are not a flaming hypocrite. Condemn Biden in the same terms you reserve for Trump.

Seriously, this is the same thing we saw from Trump, but somehow both sides think it is somehow different.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
3 mo
This post wasn’t centered around Trump in the least and you’re welcome to your opinions on him (God knows I have my own criticisms and have voiced them on this site). But I’d like to know which Trump son was a drug/alcohol addicted, prostitute using, kicked out of the Navy child? Trump’s kids may not be perfect, but they are far from sharing the same room as Hunter.
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