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SP5 Dennis Loberger
Nothing like the combination of alcohol and a dispute to derail one's reputation
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SGT Unit Supply Specialist
LTC Eugene Chu Two of the three allegations against Hill having to do with professionalism by officers and bias-based policing were sustained by OPA Director Gino Betts Jr. A third allegation about officers not using their authority for personal gain was found inconclusive. The OPA report was published June 13, as was first reported by Northwest Asian Weekly.
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CPL LaForest Gray
Racist Police + Police Gangs =

To protect and slur

Inside hate groups on Facebook, police officers trade racist memes, conspiracy theories and Islamophobia

“More than 50 departments launched internal investigations after being presented with our findings, in some cases saying they would examine officers’ past conduct to see if their online activity mirrored their policing in real life. And some departments have taken action, with at least one officer being fired for violating department policies.”

“Most of the hateful Facebook groups these cops frequent are closed, meaning only members are allowed to see content posted by other members. Reveal joined dozens of these groups and verified the identities of almost 400 current and retired law enforcement officials who are members.

One guard at the Angola prison in Louisiana, Geoffery Crosby, was a member of 56 extremist groups, including 45 Confederate groups and one called “BAN THE NAACP.”

“A detective at the Harris County Sheriff’s Office in Houston, James “J.T.” Thomas, was a member of the closed Facebook group “The White Privilege Club.”

SOURCE : https://revealnews.org/article/inside-hate-groups-on-facebook-police-officers-trade-racist-memes-conspiracy-theories-and-islamophobia/

Racist posts from police officers’ social media accounts trigger a wave of investigations

Several cities have launched investigations into the online conduct of their police officers after a database revealed thousands of racist and otherwise offensive social media posts by current or former members of law enforcement.

The Plain View Project (PVP) has since 2017 examined the public profiles of police officers from eight jurisdictions. Its findings were detailed in an investigative feature published jointly by Injustice Watch and BuzzFeed News on Saturday.

After matching published employee rosters with Facebook profiles, and examining the public posts those individuals made, the project found thousands of Facebook posts and comments that ran the gamut from racist memes to conspiracy theories to bombastic expressions of violence.

Several expressed the desire to use a taser or deadly force on suspects, actions that have brought law enforcement under scrutiny in recent years and sparked nationwide protests against police brutality.

SOURCE : https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2019/06/04/racist-posts-police-officers-social-media-accounts-trigger-wave-investigations/

The police aren’t supposed to be the racist nor the criminals.
SGT Unit Supply Specialist
SGT (Join to see)
6 d
CPL LaForest Gray they're in Congress and the Statehouse's as well... the fight continues...
CPL LaForest Gray
CPL LaForest Gray
6 d
White Christian Racist Nationalist & Nationalism SGT (Join to see) …. The well founded Trojan Horse


David Duke in 1992 on the Phil Donahue Show *{Admitting to being a Grand Wizard and National Director of the KKK}


Phil Donahue interviews David Duke :

*{Explains how the hoods will come off and the face of KKK will change and deep into every facets of everyday society}


David Duke on racism against white people and white genocide


1.) David Duke is the most recognizable figure of the American radical right, a neo-Nazi, longtime Klan leader and now international spokesman for Holocaust denial who has nevertheless won election to Louisiana's House of Representatives and once was nearly elected governor.

Born 1950
Group EURO
Ideology White Nationalist

"Racial idealism, or racialism, is the idea that a nation's greatest resource is the quality of its people. It means examining all questions of government on the basis of whether the proposed measure is good or bad for our race. … Neither Communism, Capitalism, nor any other materialistic doctrine can save our race; our only racial salvation lies in a White racial alliance uniting our people with the common cause of racial idealism."
— September 1970 article in The Racialist

"When it's America's time to go totalitarian, we should pray that we get a Kemal [Ataturk, former president of Turkey who modernized that country in the 1900s], who was more aware than any other great public figure of modern times that national resurrection depends first and foremost on the distillation process of racial separation."
— 1984 article in the NAAWP News

"In modern America, Jews lead the effort to de-Christianize America. ... They share little of the heritage of the Old Testament people called the Israelites. … Communism and Zionism were born from the same Jewish soul. ... Jewish power is ubiquitous. ... It is not a [Jewish] conspiracy. It is simply two nations — Jew and Gentile — in a state of ethnic war."
— From Duke's 1998 autobiography My Awakening

"Israel makes the Nazi state look very, very moderate."
— 2005 interview with Syrian television

SOURCE : https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/individual/david-duke

2.) EURO
Founded in 2000 under a different name by the former Klan leader and notorious neo-Nazi David Duke, the European-American Unity and Rights Organization (EURO) claims to fight for "White Civil Rights" for "European and Americans Wherever They May Live.


Date Founded 2000
Location Mandeville, LA
Ideology White Nationalist

Ronald Doggett
Richmond, Va.

David Duke

Beyond hosting a website, whitecivilrights.com, and staging an occasional conference, EURO is a paper tiger, serving primarily as a vehicle to publicize Duke's writing and sell his books.

SOURCE : https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/euro
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