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Responses: 1
LTC David Brown
Edited 3 mo ago
Good share. My favorite “glass” story is when Tutankhamen’s artifacts were touring a fellow recognized a “stone” in the pectoral on display of being glass. Sure enough it was a greenish polished glass. This started a search for the source of glass. Turns out that at one point in earth’s history a meteor had hit the desert in area of the “dead” creating a sea of glass. The glass in the pectoral had come from this area of the desert . https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidbressan/2019/05/19/gemstone-found-in-king-tuts-tomb-formed-when-a-meteor-collided-with-earth/#:~:text=In%201998%2C%20Italian%20mineralogist%20Vincenzo,the%20material%20is%20nowadays%20called.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
3 mo
Interesting and certainly makes sense.
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