Posted on Jun 22, 2024
A Roman beach destroyed by Mount Vesuvius is open to the public for the first time
Posted 9 mo ago
Responses: 3
Loved the article. I got so close to seeing Pompei but the bus got in an accident, and it took a full day to get another, so we spent a long day going back to Naples. What a horrible way to go, but man, the history preserved in both places is simple stunning. Those poor people didn't have a chance. Bur we have a chance to learn a lot about life back then. And it wasn't a lot different than we live now...wealthy people lived in really nice places with all the "modern" conveniences and nice clothes, and the rest of them used Public Facilities and wore modest clothing. But Nature doesn't care who you are, or what you are go down just like the Beggar in the Market.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
SGT Kevin Hughes - Nothing Like Tracking a "Fishing" Trawler and having Him Go Dark, Quiet, Silent, "Where did that SOB Go" to have the Morning P-3 "Heads Up Shipmates" "We Got Company"Just After Taking Off from Adak, Name of Our Game!
SGT Kevin Hughes
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel - You guys scare me. Always pretending to just be some guys out fishing...when the Russians are thinking : we could sink that boat, no bodies. " Sheesh.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
SGT Kevin Hughes "I'll Make You Fishermen of Men!" So Many Ways that Can be Taken, My Grandfathers Made Me a Fisherman, My Father Made Me a Fisherman, I Made My Son a Fisherman, He Made His Son a "Fisherman". My Son's Daughter is "Papa's Shark Whisperer" My Daughter in Law watching the Big Smile come over My Face, watching Jo Pet a "Fish" at the Tacoma Aquarium/Zoo. What is that Chip? "That is an Australian Carpet Shark' That is My Granddaughter doing what comes Natural to Her!"
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel Now you understand why our wives were happy we had a gay co-pilot during Vietnam War :-))
Upon Having Read The Article, I'd Love To See The Artwork, Statues, & Scrolls Which Were Found There, But It Didn't Seem To Have Any Photos Of Them. Just The Same, Simply Being There Would Be A Great Experience, Walking The Beaches Where Others Did Over 2,000 Years Ago.
~~ Foot Note: I've Got A 20 Which Says "Ole Man Burk Remembers It Well."~~
~~ Foot Note: I've Got A 20 Which Says "Ole Man Burk Remembers It Well."~~
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