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Responses: 2
SPC Controls Engineer
The concept of "owning land" did not compute...it's still pretty iffy at best. How can one "own" something to which THEY already belong? Hell, we don't outlive tree's let alone the planet....and we don't actually "own" anything at all...it's kinda silly when I think about deeply, and yet I will defend my pile of junk from others taking my "junk" by the means that I see fit.....I wonder WTF we are doing? I agree that you "own" it so you can agree that I "own" mine...????

And the sun laughs, and laughs.....at the silly little bugs with attitudes.....

In my opinion, returning to those philosophies in a world full of a$$holes would have very similar results....for those that adopted such...I'm too old to learn Mandarin....

I my belief system we are ALL coming back, to reincarnate into the "heaven" or "hell" that we've created for ourselves....So, metaphorically speaking, shitting on top of our own toxic waste dump in OUR own aquarium is complete stupidity....the kids are already paying for it...go get a drink out of your local water sources....

To me it speaks to emotionally challenged, insecure, and GREEDY idiots well aware of their own very short lives...quite literally I think it is addiction....to stuff....
Sgt Jim Belanus
Sgt Jim Belanus
3 mo
I'm guessing that the same thing happened to those who lived along the TVA dam sites. It was called progress but they still lost their homes and farms.
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MSG Stan Hutchison
The Monkey Wrench Gang had it right!
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