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Responses: 3
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
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CPT Jack Durish
Without even reading the article (I'll do that next), I wanted to voice my concern over seeing law enforcement officers dressed in military gear and armed as though they were engaging an enemy army. That's not "Officer Friendly" on the right, is it?
SGT Kevin Hughes
SGT Kevin Hughes
3 mo
On this one, we can agree. I do not like the fact that regular rank-and-file police are now armed at the level of light infantry unit. I saw a video oh above “felony stop” and it looked just like the ambushes used to plan in the army. One of the soldiers that scared me the most while I served were the wannabe heroes. They wanted medals and attention. I see that in some of these young troopers. They want action. I do believe that’s a different job than policing. I grew up when police walked the beat and knew the neighbors. So sometimes they reported you to the legal system other times they just took you by the ear and dragged it to your mom and dad. I know those days are gone. And I know these guys face, horrible shootouts and what should’ve been an ordinary traffic stop. But thinking of the general population as the enemy is a scary path . I know the argument goes. The Crips are better than the police and that’s probably true in some cases. On the other hand, are we at war with our own population.
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PO1 H Gene Lawrence
In my opinion, the best and most respected law enforcement agency that we have in our country.
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