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Responses: 3
CW3 Michael Bodnar
What I find interesting is the DA brought up felony charges because the state of limitations was reached and he couldn't charge him with a misdemeanor (which most of these bogus charges fall under). In addition to that, he's a registered Democrat who campaigned on getting Trump any way possible. I've said this numerous times that it doesn't matter what side of the political spectrum you fall. This should scare the ever-loving crap out of you. Leaders from other countries lock up their political opponents and this is nothing short of that same type of behavior. This conviction should be overturned based on how the case was handeled and the bogus charges the DA brought forth.
CW3 Michael Bodnar
CW3 Michael Bodnar
4 mo
SSG(P) (Join to see) - no single man has that power. That's why we have three seperate branches of government. The Constitution explains the powers and restrictions of each. Unfortunately, we have an uneducated population that doesn't understand any of this and therefore, we have the issues we're running into today.
SSG(P) Owner
SSG(P) (Join to see)
4 mo
CW3 Michael Bodnar - yes and no, of course we have three branches. The separation of powers is being nudged, molded and blended to give more power to certain posts to go around the people. The Senate and House have worked to gift over many of their responsibilities to the Supreme court. The office of the Presidency under the executive branch continues to overstep and has far too much power, and discretion to affect our lives. Every President since Lincoln has worked hard to grab more more under this post and consolidate their power within that position. The Presidency should have zero access to money and approval of funds, period! With the wave of a pen they shouldn't be able to steal land from states, calling them National parks and seizing them for political purposes. In Many countries the President's power is greatly restricted. I don't care who the President is, they shouldn't have the discretion not to enforce law. If the DOJ declines to prosecute that's the DOJs job. And much more
MSgt Dale Johnson
MSgt Dale Johnson
4 mo
SSG(P) (Join to see) I agree that some powers should be limited but not with elimination of the office, it's an integral part of Checks and Balances.
MSgt Dale Johnson
MSgt Dale Johnson
4 mo
SSG(P) (Join to see) Sorry on my tablet the next two responses didn't show until after I had posted my previous response.
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PVT Alejandro Rivera
Biden regime is a treat to democracy as we have just witnessed.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
4 mo
The biggest threat our Country has seen since the beginning.
CW3 Michael Bodnar
CW3 Michael Bodnar
4 mo
PVT Alejandro Rivera remember, we are not a democracy rather a Constitutional Republic. There is a huge difference. Democrats have sought out to destroy the very fabric in which our country was formed and they are really close to succeeding.
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PVT Alejandro Rivera
Biden a treat to democracy.
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