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Responses: 8
SP5 Dennis Loberger
There are many of us that would like to know what happened
CPL LaForest Gray
CPL LaForest Gray
4 mo
The unedited body camera footage from the cop shows the murder from start to end.

People don’t like to call FACTS what they are.


V1 : https://youtu.be/L-Fd549NLyI?si=tuFENdVd1WfWKEcq

V2 : https://youtu.be/L-Fd549NLyI?si=xmmiXS3M3aN1js2G

He’s at home
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CPL LaForest Gray
V1 : https://youtu.be/UGA42H15M84?si=Ey7YzV8oYdatPyTI

“It’s why they kick in the door”. To harm you
V2 : https://youtu.be/wGZRuyZuWZI?si=UOrz0iFPyLcUOWlg

V3 : https://youtu.be/jUcoGevAf2k?si=heT9Jzciny98NVH1

Murdered Armed Airman :
V4 : https://youtu.be/V1t3ZaQXOYQ?si=wXKyQ8rGEgoPkdDO

1.) Officer-Involved Shootings

A Guide for Law
Enforcement Leaders



I. Pre-Incident Preparations .

Policies, procedures, and training
Prepare officers
Appoint response teams
Develop relationships with appropriate agencies. .

Mental health


Small agency options

Il. Incident Scene Procedures
Use of deadly force
Involved officer responsibilities
Incident command responsibilities.

Ill. Post-Incident Investigation
Incident scene responsibilities of the criminal investigator.

Administrative investigations
Investigator's responsibilities during criminal investigations
Interviewing officers who were at the scene.

Appropriateness of the use of force

Force review

IV. Officer Mental Health and Wellness

Officer reactions to the incident
Problematic recovery

Recommended responses following an officer-involved shooting .

V. Media Relations.

Social media

Post-incident media

IACP Resources

Appendix. Community Resources.

Citizens police academies

Citizen advisory groups

VIPS (Volunteers in Police Service)

Business roundtables/coffee clubs.

Neighborhood Watch .

Faith-based organizations.

About the International Association of Chiefs of Police

About the COPS Office.

SOURCE : https://www.theiacp.org/sites/default/files/2018-08/e051602754_Officer_Involved_v8.pdf


SOURCE : https://www.ojp.gov/pdffiles1/87616.pdf

3.) Facts : If a military personal is killed by a civilian or cop while on duty, it’s not a capital offense..... yet if a cop is killed it’s :

“Killing a police officer is a capital felony, punishable by the death penalty or life imprisonment without the possibility of release. It is one of nine capital felonies.

Policing in America is based on old slave catching laws & they wrote further laws like Qualified Immunity & the Protect & Serve Act of 2018 (Blue Lives Matter” bill).

“The Protect and Serve Act would allow anyone who knowingly causes serious bodily injury to a law enforcement officer to be imprisoned up to 10 years. And it creates even harsher penalties for other criminal acts against police: If a police officer were kidnapped, killed, or faced a threat on their life, then the perpetrator could get a much longer sentence, including potentially life in prison.”

“Qualified immunity is designed to protect all but the plainly incompetent or those who knowingly violate the law. Law enforcement officers are entitled to qualified immunity when their actions do not violate a clearly established statutory or constitutional right.”

For anyone convicted of a capital felony, the law requires a separate sentencing hearing before a judge or jury to weigh mitigating and aggravating factors. The judge or jury cannot impose the death penalty and must sentence the person to life imprisonment without the possibility of release if the mitigating factors outweigh or are of equal weight to the aggravating factors or if any of four automatic bars to the death penalty exist.”

SOURCE : https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/288/text

There’s no death penalty, no capital punishment for murdering a military person. Yet, soldiers protect and serve ALL Americans citizens.... not a select community, soldiers lives are considered less valuable than police officers who lives the soldiers protect domestically and on foreign soil.

Yet, those police officers ARE NOT HELD to a higher standard for their actions, we soldiers again fall under both civil and the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice) for our actions. In life threatening situations we don’t just pull the trigger and say we feared for our lives.


How Cops Who Use Force and Even Kill Can Hide Their Names From the Public

Marsy’s Law ensures crime victims the right to privacy. But police departments across Florida and the Dakotas have repeatedly used it to hide the names of officers who use force on the job. And the law may be spreading, too.

* Marsy’s Law passed first in California in 2008 and, through a well-funded campaign by the woman’s brother, is the law in 11 other states. It happened each time by ballot initiative, allowing voters to adopt all of its implications with a single yes.

* “This constitutional amendment is so ambiguous and has lent itself to so much misinterpretation, misapplication, inconsistency,” said Amye Bensenhaver, director of the Kentucky Open Government Coalition and a former assistant state attorney general. “We will have those problems emerge, just as they have emerged in Florida.”

[ “ The law increasingly has been co-opted by police. It got on Florida’s ballot in 2018 after being introduced by a sheriff and revised with the help of two statewide law enforcement associations. Officers say it allows them to claim victim status in use-of-force cases where they say the suspect was the aggressor. “ ]

* At least half of Florida’s 30 largest police agencies said they apply it to shield the names of on-duty officers, a USA TODAY and ProPublica investigation found. For the agencies that do, reporters requested and reviewed thousands of pages of police reports from use-of-force incidents since January 2019.

* The sheriff’s offices in Collier and Charlotte counties, in southwest Florida, have withheld deputies’ names in roughly 1 in 6 incidents in which an officer used force that resulted in a civilian’s injury. For the sheriff’s office in Hernando County, an hour’s drive north of Tampa, it’s nearly 1 in 3.

SOURCE : https://www.propublica.org/article/how-cops-who-use-force-and-even-kill-can-hide-their-names-from-the-public
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CPL LaForest Gray
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