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Responses: 4
CPL LaForest Gray
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CPL LaForest Gray
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1) To complain in a public way about an act.

2) To declare something firmly and emphatically in the face of stated or implied doubt, or in response to an accusation.

A protest constitutes as an instance of civil resistance, or nonviolent resistance, when it is part of a larger systematic and peaceful nonviolent campaign aimed at achieving a specific objective by use of pressure and persuasion.

SOURCE : https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/protest#:~:text=Generally%2C%20by%20expressing%20objection%20to,opinion%20and%2For%20government%20policy.

2.) What’s the Point of Protest?

SOURCE : https://www.oas.org/en/iachr/expression/publications/Protesta/ProtestHumanRights.pdf

*3.) 21st Century Protest Response
Promoting Democracy and Advancing Community and Officer Safety

National Policing Institute

SOURCE : https://portal.cops.usdoj.gov/resourcecenter/content.ashx/cops-p459-pub.pdf

*REVEALED: ADL’s US-Israel Police Exchanges Militarize the Police

U.S.-Israel Police Exchanges
Since the early 2000s, thousands of U.S. police officers, sheriffs, border patrol agents, ICE officers and FBI agents have trained with Israeli military and police forces. The ADL’s National Counter-Terrorism Seminar (NCTS) brought U.S. law enforcement agents to visit checkpoints and military prisons, and introduced them to Israeli officials at other sites of apartheid and racial profiling, such as the illegal settlement in Hebron and Ben Gurion airport.

These exchanges reinforce American law enforcement practices of expanding surveillance, justifying racial profiling and suppressing public protests through use of force. While some of these tactics may be new, the racist ideology underlying their implementation is endemic to U.S. law enforcement since its creation. The contexts of Israel’s regime of military occupation and apartheid against Palestinians, and the U.S. legacy of white supremacy, mutually reinforce each government’s state violence. During these police exchanges, U.S. law enforcement learned tactics developed through Israel’s military occupation and also learned to think of themselves as combatants.

SOURCE : https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/2022/03/17/revealed-adl-us-israel-police-exchanges/#:~:text=Since%20the%20early%202000s%2C%20thousands,Israeli%20military%20and%20police%20forces.

* Nobody points out those “BLM” flags on the trucks with Biden hog tied. *

V1 : https://youtu.be/qskgipHUbvw?si=iUjeWb0oScpXcd-_

V2 : https://youtu.be/HXWirZZYGgY?si=iA0YrLrpEb8K5oMX

V3 : https://youtu.be/cmje1p2fI3E?si=bpJxptAsFT9prI8g
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SGT Aaron Atwood
I have a few needs of clarification here.

1) It wasn't specified in the article how many of those arrested were students, and they worded it such that they certainly weren't all students. I don't know of any college campus that isn't an open one; which means any twipple and chucklehead can waltz right on over and do whatever (which to me is a huge reason students and faculty at all colleges should be afforded the opportunity to shoot back in case some armed jackass comes over to try to kill people). It's already been suspected that these protests are being organized not by the students but an outside entity. The fact that all the tents are the same general design isn't a coincidence. Last time I saw that kind of uniformity among tents was whenever military personnel went on a field op; myself included.

2) Not all protesters get arrested, or even get in danger thereof. I've never heard of anyone at an open-carry event (generally done as a protest over draconian anti-gun laws in take your pick state) getting arrested. Heck, one cop I talked to at such an event remarked to me that he wished all protests were like that because everyone visibly behaved themselves.
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