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Responses: 4
Maj John Bell
Edited 5 mo ago
Modify #1 Husbands and wives don't argue, disrespect or nitpick each other in public.
#2 Who can afford servants? Hell... who can afford groceries?
#3 I safety check my wife's vehicle weekly and do preventative maintenance on a weekly, monthly or quarterly basis as appropriate.
#4 Kids should be polite, have good manners and know their place. A six-year-old is not a forty-year -old's peer. Hell, neither is a 20-year-old.
#5 Innocent flirtation... OK. Public displays of erotic nature... not OK. As the SgtMaj said on the day we got back from deployment. "A short no tongue kiss and hug is OK. Both feet stay on the ground. Break the rules and we will see just how many crap details will keep you from momma's arms."
#6 Gentlemen pay attention. If the woman sends indirect or direct signals she's not interested, MOVE ON.

The rules may be looser now that doesn't mean that the rules were wrong.
SGT Kevin Hughes
SGT Kevin Hughes
5 mo
I like your "Modern Adaptations" better than the one's in the article.
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CPL LaForest Gray
1.) “A Respectful Wife Deferred to Her Husband”

Barefoot and Pregnant Days. She’s a human being not a pet. A HEALTH Marriage is a partnership, not a dictatorship.

She’ll have strengths her husband doesn’t.

He’ll have strengths his wife doesn’t.

They’ll build a healthy relationship together if their partners.

2.) “There Should Be One Servant for Every Two Dinner Guests”

“There should be …”

Formal functions with many guesses, yes … outside of that. Eh

3.) “A Man Was Expected to Choose His Riding Companion’s Horse”

Safety 1st. Also does she like horses, ever ridden before … allergies?!?

* 4.) “The Most Important Rule for Children Was Obedience”

“No one was exempt from learning and practicing proper etiquette, including children. “No young human being, any more than a young dog, has the least claim to attractiveness unless it is trained to manners and obedience,”

Children aren’t pets.

5.) “Flirting Was a Sign of Ill Breeding”

“Not only is flirting a sign of poor breeding, the guide suggests, ..”

poor etiquette or Upbringing would be a better use of wording. SOURCE : https://www.yourdictionary.com/bad-manners

6.) “A Man Couldn’t Speak to a Woman Unless She Spoke to Him First”

Stranger Danger plus might’ve been helpful keeping women and girls safe. Weird kinda
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
4 mo
Children also aren't adults. Depending on their age and experience, they may lack good judgment and fully functioning centers of logic and reason.
They may not understand:
_risk of injury
_risk of property damage
_appropriate social etiquette and the consequences of inappropriate behavior
CPL LaForest Gray
CPL LaForest Gray
4 mo
Maj John Bell

All children are born into society behind a power curve of lack of world knowledge. Human beings/Children aren’t pets or robots to be trained.

Parents and adults are obligated to teach children to be well rounded individuals, who will have critical thinking skills and who will contribute positively by just existing and not passing on old “slave mentality-obedience” tribalism characteristics of the old guard.

A lot of people have/adopt children just to have someone/something to control.

If the latter wasn’t true throughout Global History, then there wouldn’t be so many documented cases of disfuncțional Familes.

I hear soooooooo many people in the past and you see it in the news daily : “I can’t wait to leave home. I could NOT wait to leave home”.

Number One Complaint by those people :

Dominant Controlled Environment that was toxic.

Not talking about kid criminals, only talking about toxic home life because A GREAT DEAL of people need to control something, someone … children are easy targets.

* My Dad/Mom raised me this way

* My Dad/Mon yelled at me

* My Dad/Mom saw me as a thing/object and therefore treated me as such

* My Dad/Mon was closed off so I’ll be closed off also

“ Children also aren't adults. Depending on their age and experience, they may lack good judgment and fully functioning centers of logic and reason.”

Adult Children act the same

They may not understand:
_risk of injury
_risk of property damage
_appropriate social etiquette and the consequences of inappropriate behavior

I was raised by healthy mentally strong parents and grandparents, we talked …. I was STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to question EVERYTHING & EVERYONE to include them.

I remember when the kid leashes came out and how people co-signed them.

“Slave Mentality”.

Help raise well balanced human beings as mush as possible.

Those are pictures and sell items available on the net via various stores … pets, Not Children belong on a leash.

If an adult needs to leash a child or another human being, those people don’t need to be around each other.

I believe wholeheartedly in protecting children, that’s why this response about the children and my perspective.

A female child that’s raped/victim of family incest shouldn’t be forced to have their Father/Uncle/Brother/Cousin/Close Friend of the Family Rapist child.

Perhaps logically if children were saw as people and not a thing to know their place, those men would NEVER be position to rape ANY child. They would not be in the position to “keep secrets” that adults push on them.

Some Adults have a bully mentality.

I disdain bullies.

Proper edict is NOT telling a child to shut up and know their place.
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SGT Kevin Hughes
well that was a surprise. I thought it was going to be about Manners, Polite conversation, and how to eat with the right fork. Nope. Those rules (with one possible exception) are dead and gone, and need to stay in the past.
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