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Responses: 2
Capt Jeff S.
Edited 5 mo ago
That the prosecution was misleading the Judge was obvious from the very start. They didn't have a case and it should never have gone to trial.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
5 mo
True dat . . .
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SFC Casey O'Mally
Edited 5 mo ago
No, Jack. You lied. On a sworn affidavit.
We have a word for that, I think. What is it?..... What... Is........ It.....?...oh!


And if the lead prosecutor is willing to perjure himself, he should not be the lead prosecutor. He should not be a prosecutor at all.

And now come the anti-Trump brigades to disregard prosecutorial misconduct because Orange Man Bad. They will point out that it was a mistake, not a lie. But they are wrong. Because this was a sworn affidavit. He had time to verify. He either verified, knew it was a lie, and signed anyway - a lie of commission. Or he failed to verify, was negligent, and signed anyway - a lie of omission. Regardless of whether he is shady because he disregards the truth or shady because he doesn't even bother to find out the truth and swears to it anyway, he is shady. Smith needs to be tossed from this case and every thing he has done on the case needs to be verified for accuracy.

No, that does not mean toss the case. I completely disagree with Trump and his lawyers when they say this means the case is unfounded and should be tossed out.

But it does mean going back to square one and removing Smith's taint. Yes, that is a lot of work, and a huge delay. No, that is neither good for the prosecution nor the American people. But justice demands it. And there is NO ONE to blame for the delay and the cost, other than shady Jack Smith.

I have neither verified nor know how to go about verifying that Smith, himself, signed the affidavit. If it was not Smith, then replace his name above with whoever it was.
But even then, Smith is ultimately responsible. He may not need to be dismissed, but it still shows his negligence. Or at least the negligence of the team of which he is in charge.
SFC Casey O'Mally
SFC Casey O'Mally
5 mo
Capt Jeff S. According to reports, Trump had nuclear secrets amongst his files.

Yes, he had authority to declassify. There is zero evidence he actually DID declassify while he still had that authority, though.

Is it possible he had "the dirt" in those files? Absolutely. Is it even possible that this was the primary motivating factor to go after those files? Sure. But does that mean that Trump was justified in (allegedly) hanging on to nuclear secrets after he was out of office? Not even close.

While I do not agree with the argument, it is nonetheless a strong argument that Trump is different from Clinton, Pence, AND Biden documents cases in that Trump fought to keep the documents and refused to turn them in. The other three cooperated (at least in theory - there is the whole "bleachbit" incident for Clinton and a questionable timeline for Biden).

I agree that this case is an over-aggressive (and partisan) attempt to "get Trump." However, that does not mean the case is without any merit.

Personally, I think this is the ONE Trump case that should be going to trial. The other 3 are manufactured BS that make ridiculous pretzels out of existing law in order to justify their existence. This is a pretty clear and untwisted violation (if proven) of existing law.

So yes, Trump should be on trial.

And Pence and Clinton should have their own trials ongoing - with a 4th prepped for Biden as soon as he is out of office.

From what I have seen / read, ALL 4 of them have admitted to either negligently or intentionally mishandling classified information in a felonious manner. And all 4 deserve hefty fines and/or jail time for it.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
5 mo
You can expect that our election system will get an overhaul and mail-in ballots are going to go away. I hope to see a return to common sense in our government because this Build Back Better was a bunch of horse sh*t and we have been stuck with the consequence of allowing the Democrats to rig elections. Hillary rigged her Primary in 2016 and thought she had the fix in, but so many people voted for Trump in the flyover states that it broke the Democrats' cheating algorithm and they failed to install Hillary in 2016. COVID and mail-in ballots (which, by design, can't be validated once the ballots have been separated from the envelopes) helped the Democrats to seal the deal in 2020 and Biden, who was a willing accomplice to their election fraud, was installed.

Everybody who has a clue knows Biden didn't get 81 million legitimate votes. Biden spent most of his campaign following the science (aka hiding from the press) in his basement while "superspreader" Trump was busy campaigning filling stadiums and outdoor venues to capacity. Figure the odds that a two-time former loser, whose choice of VP had to drop out of the race, came back from behind in the middle of the night, after vote counts in the Swing States inexplicably stopped, to win the General Election with the most votes EVER in the history of US General Elections. It did NOT happen! #TrumpWon and the proof is in his popularity today. I don't know how they do the polls because I would expect Trump to be up by well over 25%, but he is ahead in some polls in the neighborhood of 5% to 15%... Of course, things could change but I believe the closer we get to November, the more it's going to be apparent that Biden is not going to be fit for another term. Trump is focused on turning the Swing States Red and it looks like he is making good progress. NC is going to be a very important battleground State. (3/3)
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
5 mo
SFC Casey O'Mally - At most, Trump is guilty of violating procedure and he had good reasons for doing it. The Intelligence Community was not being forthcoming and they were withholding information from him. That is not their job! Their job is to support him and they weren't doing it. So of course he didn't trust them. THEY WERE WRONG! None of the information Trump had was leaked. Whatever Trump allegedly did and had, who is to say that they didn't plant the nuclear evidence? It's not like the Intelligence Community didn't lie when 51 people came forward claiming that Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation. It's not like CIA Director Brennan didn't illegally spy on Trump. It's not like FBI Director Comey and Agent Strzok weren't doing their level best to undermine Trump, feed him disinformation, and set him up for failure.

Whatever Trump did, it PALES compared to what Hillary did AND is guilty of. Nobody is prosecuting Killary. Wonder why? She paid for manufactured evidence that the FBI knew was suspect and the FBI used it anyway to justify an illegal open-ended investigation in search of a crime. The FBI claims they investigated and saw no reason to prosecute Hillary because although she was negligent in the handling of classified material which resulted in compromise, she didn't mean to? ??!! That is NOT how justice is served.
SFC Casey O'Mally
SFC Casey O'Mally
5 mo
Capt Jeff S. I have a credit score north of 750. My wife's is north of 780. I also have over $150 K in equity in my property. I can get a $10K loan at the drop of a hat from pretty much any bank in America.
But if I go rob a bank for $10K, I cannot argue that, at most, I am guilty of failing to follow procedure, because I COULD HVAE gotten a loan, and I just didn't fill out an application.

Trump COULD HAVE declassified those documents. But he did not.

There are multiple reports alleging he DID show those nuclear documents to folks - people have stated he was bragging about having them and showing them off to folks who not only did not have need to know, but also never had a clearance. If that is true, it means that not only is your "they planted eViDeNcE!!" claim ridiculous, but your "never leaked" assertion is bogus. Trump himself leaked it!

And two wrongs have NEVER made a right. Just because Clinton got away with crimes does not give Trump the right to commit those same crimes. Regardless of how rabidly you attack Clinton.
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