Posted on May 4, 2024
Aboard the Most Famous Ships in History | Full History Hit Series
Posted 7 mo ago
Responses: 4
The Long Blue Line: Danmark—the friend-ship between Denmark and the Coast Guard
How did a ship without a nation become a training platform for the U.S. Coast Guard?
CPT (Join to see)
Skoleskibets hjemkomst: Lyse Nætter // DR Pigekoret
Lyse nætterTekst: Alberte WindingMusik: Aske BentzonArrangement og klaver: Phillip FaberCello: Henrik Dam ThomsenI sommeren 2016 knyttede DR PigeKoret et sær...
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
I got to go on a recruiting cruise on the Eagle in 1962. One heck of an experience. I was a second alternate to the USCGA when I graduated HS in 1964. Actually received a letter informing me that a slot was available but I was already in college in Virginia on a full scholarship so passed.
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This video is a short photographic history and illustration of my time as a crewmember of America's Tallship, the United States Coast Guard Barque Eagle. Sh...
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen Adding some Eagle (née Segelschulschiff Horst Wessel) backstory for those that don't know.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
CPT (Join to see) Thanks, the New Englander, and probably Dane in me, still loves those tall ships.
Good afternoon PO1 William "Chip" Nagel. Excellent post. Thank you for sharing this shipmate. I've read about this before. :->
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