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Responses: 2
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
I know nothing about TikTok, never had it and never had any desire to even check it out. It's actually the first app I delete if I get a new device. That said, I put those complaining of disaster for their business or occupation if the platform is banned into the WA, WA category. There are plenty of other platforms they can get on to promote whatever it is they want to promote.
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SGT Kevin Hughes
I don't do Social Media ...so Tik Tok is not something I know anything about. I do watch several YouTube Channels though. And if Tik Tok garners viewerships like the channels I like on YouTube; Gone with the Wynns, La Lida Loco, Dreaming Spanish, Arvin Ash, and Joe Scott the Answer guy- well, they have a point. The "Content Creators" and: "Science Communicators" I watch have built and developed their own channels without being told by big Media what they can, or cannot, include. So talent is now determined by your own parameters and not some executive. That means a lot of crap makes it through, but it also means the hidden gems can set their own agenda. There is a huge downside, especially for the younger folks on Tik Tok - when it is all about views, clicks, and how pretty you are...but the upside is huge too.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
6 mo
SGT Kevin Hughes I'm a Big Fan of Youtube, I'm Subscribed to Over 230 Channels, So On One Level, "Why Can't they Use Youtube?" but also I'm and Old Dude, I Know the Younger Generations Like Tik Tok over Youtube, I Hear that Youtube is Better for Short Videos.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
6 mo
SGT Kevin Hughes Correction I Hear Tik Tok is better for Short Videos although "Short Videos" are becoming More of a thing on Youtube.
SGT Kevin Hughes
SGT Kevin Hughes
6 mo
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel - Wow! I thought my 18 channels was a lot. But then again you were an analyst, so you can figure things out pretty quick. I have to watch most things a couple of times. But the Channels I do watch I am loyal too. On average I have watched them for seven to ten years. And you are correct, every channel I watch now is posting "Shorts". So if your interest is captured, you can follow up on the channel and make a deeper dive.
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