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CPL LaForest Gray
No Memes, just REAL headlines and coverage of the various tactics that continue being used by the White Racist Insecure Cowards Nationalist of the United States.

Despite LIES/Misinformation/Distractions/What-About-Them … The FACTS that in 2023’ white nationalists are currently, actively and publicly looking to overthrow the U.S. Government and setup a dictatorship.

Those that attempt to respond with spin doctoring of FACTS … Honestly if you don’t have FACTS to debunk what I posted and respond, I’ll bury your response with additional FACTS that ANYONE who sees what I’ve posted can verify from other sources beyond what I’ve posted.

V1 : https://youtu.be/UvX_7mkF12M?si=jlUcJSJyf7PwZZNm

GOP leadership has enabled white nationalism, Liz Cheney says
May 16, 202211:24 AM ET

In the wake of the Buffalo supermarket shooting, Republican Rep. Liz Cheney is accusing her party's leaders of enabling white nationalism, white supremacy and antisemitism.

The FBI is investigating Saturday's attack as a racially motivated hate crime, and federal authorities are also considering a potential terrorism charge.

The suspected shooter, who is white, is believed to have written a 180-page screed detailing his white supremacist ideologies and his plan to attack a Black community.

He is allegedly a proponent of "replacement theory," a conspiracy theory that claims non-white individuals are being brought into the U.S. and other Western countries to "replace" white voters to achieve a political agenda.

The idea is popular among white supremacist and anti-immigration groups, and appears to be gaining traction among the broader public, according to a recent poll. One in three U.S. adults believes an effort is underway to replace U.S.-born Americans with immigrants for electoral purposes, the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found in a poll conducted in December.

SOURCE : https://www.npr.org/2022/05/16/ [login to see] /liz-cheney-republicans-white-nationalism

2.) The GOP’s Nazi Problem Has Deep Roots

To build their popular front on the right, Republicans are happy to recruit white nationalists.

Even as his bid to become the Republican presidential nominee circles the drain, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis can take pride in the fact that he is almost keeping pace with his chief rival in having embarrassing Nazi scandals.

Earlier this week, in response to continuing lackluster polling, DeSantis fired 38 staffers. Axios noted that one of those staffers was Nate Hochman, a speechwriter who “secretly created and shared a pro-DeSantis video that featured the candidate at the center of a Sonnenrad, an ancient symbol appropriated by the Nazis and still used by some white supremacists.”

Earlier, Hochman and other staffers stirred controversy by sharing a bizarre homophobic and transphobic pro-DeSantis ad (presented as a fan creation, even though evidence points to its being another in-house production).

This follows hot on the heels of a June scandal when it turned out that Pedro Gonzalez, a pro-DeSantis influencer whose social media voice was being promoted by the Florida governor’s staff, had a record of anti-Semitic, racist, and fascist private direct messages.

SOURCE : https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/gop-popular-front-white-nationalism/tnamp/


Republicans Embrace Dangerous White Nationalist “Replacement” and “Invasion” Conspiracies as a Midterm Strategy

JULY 21, 2022

The leading forces of the Republican Party have embraced a set of racist conspiracy theories based on white nationalism as a central organizing principle for the midterm elections. The America’s Voice ad tracking project has identified hundreds of pieces of political messaging that employ these lies around ‘white replacement’ and a ‘migrant invasion.’

This political messaging acts as the most pernicious element of a larger nativist political narrative to rally a radicalized base, solicit fundraising contributions and subvert American democracy.

Moving from the margins of the white nationalist fringe to the centers of power among the GOP, the lie goes: ‘Jews want to replace the political power of whites with non-whites from the global south by coordinating an invasion of the country and undermine the democratic process with millions of illegitimate votes.’

This racist fiction is absurd, but it has inspired multiple domestic terrorists to take the lives of dozens over the last few years.

Chanted in the streets of Charlottesville in 2017, posted online before a man murdered 11 in Pittsburgh in 2018, shared in a racist screed before the murder of 23 in El Paso in 2019, believed by those who attacked the Capitol in 2021, and copied by the gunman who killed ten people in Buffalo in May of this year. All in between, Republicans increasingly normalized the ideas espoused by these mass murders.

SOURCE : https://americasvoice.org/blog/replacementinvasionreport/

BONUS GOP Embrace of white nationalism :

GOP leaders denounce Greene, Gosar for speaking at white nationalist event

Top Republicans in the House and the Senate rebuked the two lawmakers for addressing the America First Political Action Conference over the weekend.

WASHINGTON — GOP leaders in the House and the Senate on Monday denounced a pair of far-right Trump allies — Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., and Paul Gosar, R-Ariz. — for speaking at a gathering of white nationalists in Florida over the weekend.

“There’s no place in the Republican Party for white supremacists or anti-Semitism,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said in a terse statement.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., told reporters for CNN and Punchbowl News that it was “appalling and wrong” for the two lawmakers to attend the meeting in Florida and that he plans to discuss the matter with them.

“There’s no place in our party for any of this. ... The party should not be associated any time, any place with somebody who is antisemitic,” said McCarthy, who recently returned from leading a delegation of House Republicans to Israel. “This is unacceptable.”

SOURCE : https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna18050

*** Disclaimer : This a repost from myself, because people are tooooo comfortable with the status quo. ***

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