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Responses: 9
LTC Eugene Chu
I support Israel…specifically the Jewish protestors who want Netanyahu gone over his failure to coordinate a proper hostage rescue.

MAJ Byron Oyler
MAJ Byron Oyler
5 mo
So many that do not understand the complexity of urban combat. If the Israelis want to be angry with their leadership it should be they did not prevent the 7 OCT attack. Once those hostages were in Gaza there was little chance of seeing them alive again.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
5 mo
President Trump said it so well. The Israelis had to complete their mission quickly, before the optics turned against them. Well, they didn't and it happened. "Coordinate a proper hostage rescue" is easy to say, almost impossible to execute. Look at the labyrinth they're dug. Where would you begin?
CPL LaForest Gray
CPL LaForest Gray
5 mo
It’s funny how people keep acting as if HAMAS wasn’t Israel’s, the same way ISIS/al Qaed was Americas/The USA partners. When will people have an informed and FACTUAL discussion … rhetorical.

Regardless both the USA & ISRAEL knowingly and willfully supported domestic and foreign terrorist :

Funded, Train and provided Intelligence.

V1 : https://youtu.be/o7grSsuFSS0?si=9-mT2yeRfzMQsZDb

1.) How and why Israel helped create Hamas?

Not many people are aware of the fact that it was Israel which had helped the creation of Hamas as a counter to PLO

The acronym "Hamas" first appeared in 1987 in a leaflet that accused the Israeli intelligence services of undermining the moral fiber of Palestinian youth as part of Mossad's recruitment of what Hamas termed "collaborators."

How and why Israel helped create Hamas?

Not many people are aware of the fact that it was Israel which had helped the creation of Hamas as a counter to PLO.

Why Israel helped the creation of Hamas and how it utilised its resources for the purpose? Has Israel by taking brutal action in Gaza strengthened Hamas and how the Palestinian struggle got divided and weakened when Hamas challenged PLO, a secular and nationalist organisation?

Formed in 1964, PLO had a clause, in its charter, calling for the destruction of Israel. But when the Oslo process was launched for peace between Israel and PLO, that clause was removed from the Palestinian charter, granting recognition to the Jewish state. Likewise, the Israeli government in late 1980s and early 1990s lifted ban on maintaining contacts with PLO and recognised it when the historic PLO-Israeli accord, mediated by then US President Bill Clinton, signed on September 13, 1993. If PLO recognised Israel, Hamas opposed peace process with the Jewish state and called for the destruction of Israel.

Gaza, which was occupied by Israel as a result of June 1967 Arab-Israeli war, patronised Mujama al-Islamiya which was formed by a Palestinian cleric Sheikh Ahmed Yasin and viewed it as a harmless organisation involved in charity and welfare work for the Palestinian community of Gaza. Mujama al-Islamiya later became Hamas before Intifada-I was launched in December 1987. Israel considered Mujama al-Islamiya and its successor organisation Hamas a lesser evil as compared to PLO and thought that dividing Palestinians will serve the interest of Jewish state.

If Israel termed PLO a terrorist organisation and a major threat to its interests, Hamas was also against PLO because of its secular and nationalist outlook. That is how both Hamas and Israel were viewed as natural allies against PLO. But, later on when Hamas in 1988 killed two Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) personnel in Gaza, Israel turned against Hamas but it was too late. Hamas, which earlier labelled itself as a welfare and charity organisation in Gaza and got favors from Israel, changed is tactics and exploited PLO’s peace process with Israel to gain popular support of those Palestinians who were disillusioned with Yasser Arafat’s mending of fences with the Jewish state despite the killing of hundreds of Palestinians in Intifada-I.

Regrets among those Israeli officials who helped the creation of Hamas are well documented. For instance, Avner Cohen, a Tunisia-born Jew who was an Israeli official in Gaza dealing with religious affairs during 1970s and 1980s, lamented that “Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel’s creation”.

He observed the Islamist movement take shape, muscle aside secular Palestinian rivals and then evolved into what is today Hamas — a militant group that now calls for Israel’s destruction. Cohen argued that “instead of trying to curb Gaza’s Islamists from the outset, Israel for years tolerated and, in some cases, encouraged them as a counterweight to the secular nationalists of the Palestine Liberation Organization and its dominant faction, Yasser Arafat’s Fatah.

Israel cooperated with a crippled, half-blind cleric named Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, even as he was laying the foundations for what would become Hamas”. Does it mean that Hamas was clever enough to dodge shrewd Israeli intelligence service by portraying itself as a welfare and charity organisation in order to get itself establish in Gaza and then confront Israel?

Between June 1967 and 2005, Gaza was administered by the Israeli military. In 2005 Israel withdrew from Gaza but when Hamas gained control of that Palestinian enclave in 2007 it imposed land, air and sea blockade of that territory. How Israel helped the creation of Hamas is narrated by Andrew Higgins, an Israeli official who had worked in Gaza in the 1980s.

SOURCE : https://tribune.com.pk/story/2302309/how-and-why-israel-helped-create-hamas?amp=1

2.) What is Hamas? What to know about its origins, leaders and funding

SOURCE : https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/world/what-is-hamas-what-to-know-about-its-origins-leaders-and-funding

* A.) Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001

Author Steve Coll, managing editor of The Washington Post, discusses the findings of his latest book on the CIA's involvement in the covert wars in Afghanistan that fueled Islamic militancy and gave rise to bin Laden's al Qaeda. To view the video feed of the discussion, please click on the "Event Summary" link below.

SOURCE : https://www.wilsoncenter.org/event/ghost-wars-the-secret-history-the-cia-afghanistan-and-bin-laden-the-soviet-invasion-to

* B.) Yet the US government refuses to admit its central role in creating the vicious movement that spawned bin Laden, the Taliban and Islamic fundamentalist terrorists that plague Algeria and Egypt — and perhaps the disaster that befell New York.

* The mass media has also downplayed the origins of bin Laden and his toxic brand of Islamic fundamentalism.

* In April 1978, the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) seized power in Afghanistan in reaction to a crackdown against the party by that country's repressive government.

Washington, fearing the spread of Soviet influence (and worse the new government's radical example) to its allies in Pakistan, Iran and the Gulf states, immediately offered support to the Afghan mujaheddin, as the "contra" force was known.

Following an internal PDPA power struggle in December 1979 which toppled Afghanistan's leader, thousands of Soviet troops entered the country to prevent the new government's fall. This only galvanised the disparate fundamentalist factions. Their reactionary jihad now gained legitimacy as a "national liberation" struggle in the eyes of many Afghans.

The Soviet Union was eventually to withdraw from Afghanistan in 1989 and the mujaheddin captured the capital, Kabul, in 1992.

Between 1978 and 1992, the US government poured at least US$6 billion (some estimates range as high as $20 billion) worth of arms, training and funds to prop up the mujaheddin factions. Other Western governments, as well as oil-rich Saudi Arabia, kicked in as much again. Wealthy Arab fanatics, like Osama bin Laden, provided millions more.

Washington's policy in Afghanistan was shaped by US President Jimmy Carter's national security advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and was continued by his successors. His plan went far beyond simply forcing Soviet troops to withdraw; rather it aimed to foster an international movement to spread Islamic fanaticism into the Muslim Central Asian Soviet republics to destabilise the Soviet Union.

Brzezinski's grand plan coincided with Pakistan military dictator General Zia ul-Haq's own ambitions to dominate the region. US-run Radio Liberty and Radio Free Europe beamed Islamic fundamentalist tirades across Central Asia (while paradoxically denouncing the "Islamic revolution" that toppled the pro-US Shah of Iran in 1979).

Washington's favoured mujaheddin faction was one of the most extreme, led by Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. The West's distaste for terrorism did not apply to this unsavoury "freedom fighter". Hekmatyar was notorious in the 1970s for throwing acid in the faces of women who refused to wear the veil.

After the mujaheddin took Kabul in 1992, Hekmatyar's forces rained US-supplied missiles and rockets on that city — killing at least 2000 civilians — until the new government agreed to give him the post of prime minister. Osama bin Laden was a close associate of Hekmatyar and his faction.

Hekmatyar was also infamous for his side trade in the cultivation and trafficking in opium. Backing of the mujaheddin from the CIA coincided with a boom in the drug business. Within two years, the Afghanistan-Pakistan border was the world's single largest source of heroin, supplying 60% of US drug users.

In 1995, the former director of the CIA's operation in Afghanistan was unrepentant about the explosion in the flow of drugs: "Our main mission was to do as much damage as possible to the Soviets... There was a fallout in terms of drugs, yes. But the main objective was accomplished. The Soviets left Afghanistan."

* Made in the USA

According to Ahmed Rashid, a correspondent for the Far Eastern Economic Review, in 1986 CIA chief William Casey committed CIA support to a long-standing ISI proposal to recruit from around the world to join the Afghan jihad. At least 100,000 Islamic militants flocked to Pakistan between 1982 and 1992 (some 60,000 attended fundamentalist schools in Pakistan without necessarily taking part in the fighting).

John Cooley, a former journalist with the US ABC television network and author of Unholy Wars: Afghanistan, America and International Terrorism, has revealed that Muslims recruited in the US for the mujaheddin were sent to Camp Peary, the CIA's spy training camp in Virginia, where young Afghans, Arabs from Egypt and Jordan, and even some African-American "black Muslims" were taught "sabotage skills".

The November 1, 1998, British Independent reported that one of those charged with the 1998 bombings of US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, Ali Mohammed, had trained "bin Laden's operatives" in 1989.

These "operatives" were recruited at the al Kifah Refugee Centre in Brooklyn, New York, given paramilitary training in the New York area and then sent to Afghanistan with US assistance to join Hekmatyar's forces. Mohammed was a member of the US army's elite Green Berets.

The program, reported the Independent, was part of a Washington-approved plan called "Operation Cyclone".

In Pakistan, recruits, money and equipment were distributed to the mujaheddin factions by an organisation known as Maktab al Khidamar (Office of Services — MAK).

MAK was a front for Pakistan's CIA, the Inter-Service Intelligence Directorate. The ISI was the first recipient of the vast bulk of CIA and Saudi Arabian covert assistance for the Afghan contras. Bin Laden was one of three people who ran MAK. In 1989, he took overall charge of MAK.

Among those trained by Mohammed were El Sayyid Nosair, who was jailed in 1995 for killing Israeli rightist Rabbi Meir Kahane and plotting with others to bomb New York landmarks, including the World Trade Center in 1993.

The Independent also suggested that Shiekh Omar Abdel-Rahman, an Egyptian religious leader also jailed for the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, was also part of Operation Cyclone. He entered the US in 1990 with the CIA's approval. A confidential CIA report concluded that the agency was "partly culpable" for the 1993 World Trade Center blast, the Independent reported.

* Bin Laden
Osama bin Laden

Osama's military and business adventures in Afghanistan had the blessing of the bin Laden dynasty and the reactionary Saudi Arabian regime. His close working relationship with MAK also meant that the CIA was fully aware of his activities.

Milt Bearden, the CIA's station chief in Pakistan from 1986 to 1989, admitted to the January 24, 2000, New Yorker that while he never personally met bin Laden, "Did I know that he was out there? Yes, I did ... [Guys like] bin Laden were bringing $20-$25 million a month from other Saudis and Gulf Arabs to underwrite the war. And that is a lot of money. It's an extra $200-$300 million a year.

And this is what bin Laden did."

In 1986, bin Laden brought heavy construction equipment from Saudi Arabia to Afghanistan. Using his extensive knowledge of construction techniques (he has a degree in civil engineering), he built "training camps", some dug deep into the sides of mountains, and built roads to reach them.

These camps, now dubbed "terrorist universities" by Washington, were built in collaboration with the ISI and the CIA. The Afghan contra fighters, including the tens of thousands of mercenaries recruited and paid for by bin Laden, were armed by the CIA. Pakistan, the US and Britain provided military trainers.

SOURCE : https://www.greenleft.org.au/content/how-cia-created-osama-bin-laden
CPL LaForest Gray
CPL LaForest Gray
5 mo
CPT Jack Durish The Israel sacrificed those 1,200 citizens to execute :

* The Nakba was a deliberate and systematic act intended to establish a Jewish majority state in Palestine. Amongst themselves, Zionist leaders used the euphemism “transfer” when discussing plans for what today would be called ethnic cleansing.

I’ve posted their ACTUAL WORDS since October 7th, 2023. They wanted to mass murder, Bibi’s been trotting publicly since 2005’ his intentions to wipe the Palestinian people off the face of the earth, not just the GAZA STRIP.

He’s told the UN and anyone that would listen that an ethnic cleanse is the ONLY way the Israel regime/people can live survive … Not a word to Germany.

Not a missile, Not a threat to Germany … 6 million slaughtered in Nazi Germany.

Nazis globally speak out against Israel/The Jews … not a peep, no attacks, no ethnic clashes, no hunting down the Nazis in 2024 who publicly support killing them.

HAMAS the designated terrorist organization is treated as ALL of Palestinian and the GAZA strip …

Refer to 1st pic.

Israel waaaaaaaaay prior to October 7th, 2023’ had been taking homes via the citizens let alone the military of Israel.

Those videos are and the pictures are REAL Land theft acts.

Israel are Squatting and Squatters

V1 : 2 Years Ago : https://youtu.be/KNqozQ8uaV8?si=jM9QyzUIevugLZBT

V2 : May 25th, 2021 : https://youtu.be/Bvf9bpqL4KM?si=EDLy10e3FfiTGI90

V3 : October 6th, 2016’ : https://youtu.be/_Tlnk0RL5VM?si=BpSTDEpsi8fz38fS

V4 : July 11th, 2023’ : https://youtu.be/AHfUm0Eda80?si=RnJpIPCofs7XygR7

V5 : August 7th, 2017’ : https://youtu.be/5D5-0bKtwuY?si=uXQYTnAB9UQ_KLFW

V6 : July 27th, 2017’ : https://youtu.be/DzCusuaKG1A?si=9voi4Q2bQ8RuJo8R

Israel is a mass murder and land theft baron.

99.9% that back Israel will one of two things :

1.) Never look at the facts/videos.

2.) Will see the FACTS for what they are, and the offer alternative reality/spin doctors/play victimhood for Israel.

3.). Will blatantly say “F*ck the FACTS, and continue the slaughter.

Israel ain’t whispered “boo” in Nazi Germans way, Neo Nazis way.
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CPL LaForest Gray
It’s land theft, ethnic cleanses of the Palestine People.

1.) Haavara

HAAVARA, a company for the transfer of Jewish property from Nazi Germany to Palestine. The Trust and Transfer Office Haavara Ltd., was established in Tel Aviv, following an agreement with the German government in August 1933, to facilitate the emigration of Jews to Palestine by allowing the transfer of their capital in the form of German export goods. The Haavara Agreement is an instance where the question of Jewish rights, Zionist needs and individual rescue were in deep tension. Jewish organizations outside of Germany had declared a boycott against German goods and hoped to delegitimate the Nazi regime. The Zionists saw this agreement as a way of attracting Jews to Palestine and thus rescuing them from the Nazi universe even if that meant cooperation with Hitler. For a time the Nazi program of making Germany Judenrein and the Zionist policy of seeking olim coincided. The amounts to be transferred were paid by prospective emigrants into the account of a Jewish trust company (PALTREU – Palestina Treuhandstelle zur Beratung deutscher Juden) in Germany and used for the sold in Palestine.

The proceeds, in Palestine currency, were paid to the emigrants living in Palestine.

SOURCE : https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/haavara

2.) Hitler and Zionism: Why the Haavara Agreement does not mean the Nazis were Zionists

SOURCE : https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/world-history/adolf-hitler-zionism-zionist-nazis-haavara-agreement-ken-livingstone-labour-antisemitism-row-a7009981.html

3.) The Transfer Agreement: The Untold Story of the Secret Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine
Reviewed by Fritz Stern

SOURCE : https://www.foreignaffairs.com/reviews/capsule-review/1984-06-01/transfer-agreement-untold-story-secret-pact-between-third-reich

“The author documents the divisions within Jewry, insisting that the Zionists put their cause-German emigration to Palestine-ahead of the possible protection of Jews via more militant economic measures. Although shockingly deficient in his grasp of German developments, Black explicates the several Jewish positions, and seems to argue both that an early boycott might have succeeded and that "the Zionists were the coldest realists-perhaps the only realists-of the period."

I operate from pure historical FACTS, legal documents.

1.) Haavara

HAAVARA, a company for the transfer of Jewish property from Nazi Germany to Palestine. The Trust and Transfer Office Haavara Ltd., was established in Tel Aviv, following an agreement with the German government in August 1933, to facilitate the emigration of Jews to Palestine by allowing the transfer of their capital in the form of German export goods. The Haavara Agreement is an instance where the question of Jewish rights, Zionist needs and individual rescue were in deep tension. Jewish organizations outside of Germany had declared a boycott against German goods and hoped to delegitimate the Nazi regime. The Zionists saw this agreement as a way of attracting Jews to Palestine and thus rescuing them from the Nazi universe even if that meant cooperation with Hitler. For a time the Nazi program of making Germany Judenrein and the Zionist policy of seeking olim coincided. The amounts to be transferred were paid by prospective emigrants into the account of a Jewish trust company (PALTREU – Palestina Treuhandstelle zur Beratung deutscher Juden) in Germany and used for the sold in Palestine.

The proceeds, in Palestine currency, were paid to the emigrants living in Palestine.

SOURCE : https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/haavara

2.) Hitler and Zionism: Why the Haavara Agreement does not mean the Nazis were Zionists

SOURCE : https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/world-history/adolf-hitler-zionism-zionist-nazis-haavara-agreement-ken-livingstone-labour-antisemitism-row-a7009981.html

3.) The Transfer Agreement: The Untold Story of the Secret Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine
Reviewed by Fritz Stern

SOURCE : https://www.foreignaffairs.com/reviews/capsule-review/1984-06-01/transfer-agreement-untold-story-secret-pact-between-third-reich

“The author documents the divisions within Jewry, insisting that the Zionists put their cause-German emigration to Palestine-ahead of the possible protection of Jews via more militant economic measures. Although shockingly deficient in his grasp of German developments, Black explicates the several Jewish positions, and seems to argue both that an early boycott might have succeeded and that "the Zionists were the coldest realists-perhaps the only realists-of the period."
CPL LaForest Gray
CPL LaForest Gray
5 mo
CPT Jack Durish Nothing taken out of context. The FACTS are documented. The Balfour Declaration to the Zionist Federation is available to be read and comprehend as it was written and the proper context in which it was meant.

Balfour Declaration to the Zionist Federation
CPL LaForest Gray
CPL LaForest Gray
5 mo
Î.) Semite

1.) 1598–
Originally: a member of any of the peoples mentioned in Genesis 10:21–31 as descended from Shem, one of the sons of Noah, traditionally interpreted as including the Hebrews, Aramaeans, Assyrians, and Arabs. Subsequently also: a member of any of the peoples who speak or spoke a Semitic language.

* 1598From Assyria the Semites gan to trauell [Fr. on se retire] Vnto the land beguilt with Hytans glistring grauell. W. Lisle, translation of G. de S. Du Bartas, Colonies 35

* 2018Jews and Arabs are Semites, sharing more than they have chosen to remember. Australian (Nexis) 26 May (Review edition) 22

2.) 1881–
A Jewish person. Frequently derogatory or euphemistic.

* 1881This object [of the Anti-Semite League] is to be striven after in a strictly legal way, by resisting with all lawful means the further supplanting of Germanism by Judaism, by making it its task to thrust the Semites back into a station corresponding to their numerical strength. 19th Century February 344

* 2010They ponder whether they should have a Jewish employee present to make her think they're a Semite-friendly firm. R. Carveth in R. Carveth & J. B. South, Mad Men & Philosophy xv. 222

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CiteHistorical thesaurus


* 1855–
That is a Semite; of or relating to a Semite; Semitic.

* 1855In all probability, the Salem of Melchizedek, who was the prototype of the Semite race in Syria, comes from the same source. Journal of Royal Asiatic Society vol. 15 252

* 2002He..thrusts his far from pleasant Semite face so close to mine. D. Abse, Strange Case Dr Simmonds & Dr Glas (2003) ii. 21

SOURCE : https://www.oed.com/dictionary/semite_n?tl=true#:~:text=1598–-,Originally%3A%20a%20member%20of%20any%20of%20the%20peoples%20mentioned%20in,or%20spoke%20a%20Semitic%20language.

ÎÎ.) Semites and Anti-Semites, That is the Question

There is much misunderstanding about the term "anti-Semitism" among Jews, Arabs, and European Christians.

The term is bandied about as a description of attitudes deemed anti-Jewish, and on occasion anti-Arab, but much of its use is anachronistic and ahistorical. While Zionists and their supporters have been using the charge of anti-Semitism against any and all who oppose Israel and its policies, especially, although not exclusively, in the Arab World, Arabs have taken offense countering that they are "Semites" and therefore by definition cannot be "anti-Semitic".

What are the merits of such arguments?

Semitic people or Semites is an obsolete term for an ethnic, cultural or racial group associated with people of the Middle East, including Arabs, Jews, Akkadians, and Phoenicians. The terminology is now largely unused outside the grouping "Semitic languages" in linguistics.

The term Semite was proposed at first for the languages related to the Hebrew by Ludwig Schlözer, in Eichhorn's "Repertorium", vol. VIII (Leipzig, 1781), p. 161.

Through Eichhorn the name then came into general usage (cf. his "Einleitung in das Alte Testament" (Leipzig, 1787), I, p. 45. In his "Gesch. der neuen Sprachenkunde", pt. I (Göttingen, 1807) it had already become a fixed technical term.

Since then the name has been generally adopted, except that modern science uses it in a somewhat wider sense to include all those Peoples who are either demonstrably of Semitic origin, or who appear in history as completely Semitized.

* Classification

In historic times all Western Asia (see below), with the exception of the peninsula of Asia Minor, was Semitic. From the philological point of view the Semitic peoples are divided into four chief Babylonian-Assyrian Semites (East Semites), Chanaanitic Semites, (West Semites), Aramaic Semites (North Semites), and Arabian Semites (South Semites).

The last-named group is divided into North and South Arabians, of which last the Abyssinians are a branch.

The first three groups are usually termed North Semites, in contrast to the Arabian group, or South Semites. But the classification of the Babylonian with the Aramaic and Chanaanitic Semites is not permissible from the philological point of view.

* Territory

The great mountain-chains which begin at the Syro-Cilician boundary, and then curving towards the southwest extend to the Persian Gulf, separate on the north and east the territory of the Semites from that of the other peoples of Western Asia.

It includes the Syro-Arabian plain with the civilized countries extending to the east and west and the Arabian Peninsula which joins it on the south. The lowlands to the east are formed by the Euphrates and the Tigris, and include the homes of two very ancient civilizations, in the north the rather undulating Mesopotamia, in the south the low Babylonian plain; the land extending to the west from the lower Euphrates is called Chaldea.

These are the territories of the East Semitic tribes and states. On the west lies Northern Syria, then the Lebanon Mountains with the intervening Coelo-Syria, the oasis of Damascus, the seat of an ancient culture, the Hauran, and in the midst of the desert the oasis of Palmyra (Tadmor).

These territories were at a later period occupied principally by Aramaic tribes. The territory on the coast extending westwards from Lebanon, and Palestine, which joins it on the south, are the principal seats of the Chanaanitic Semites. The mountainous country to the east of Arabia and the Sinaitic peninsula extending to the west of Arabia, belong to Arabia proper, the territory of the South Semites.

SOURCE : https://www.newadvent.org/cathen/13706a.htm

ÎÎÎ.) Who are Semites?

Semites are a group of Near Eastern and African peoples descended from Shem. Called the father of the Semites, Shem was a son of Noah. He and seven other members of his family entered the ark, escaped the flood, and lived to repopulate the earth. Through Shem passed the line of descent to the Messiah, Jesus Christ. Shem’s great-grandson Eber was the father of those who were eventually called “Hebrews,” including Abram (see Genesis 10 and 11 for more on Shem’s line).

Scholars of philology, the study of language, traditionally classify the Semitic family of languages into three topographical divisions. East Semitic (sometimes classified as Northeast) was used in ancient Babylon and Assyria and includes the Akkadian (or Accadian) language. The Northwest classification takes in Hebrew, Aramaic, Canaanite, Syrian, Phoenician, Samaritan, Palmyrene, Nabatean, Eblaite, and Ugaritic languages. South Semitic languages include Arabic, Sabean, Minean, and Ethiopic. Of the more than 70 different known forms of Semite languages, some contain vast libraries of literature; others have only a small collection, and some remain entirely unwritten. Modern Semitic languages in common use include Hebrew, Arabic, Neo-Aramaic, Amharic, and Maltese.

Today, anti-Semitism is a term that has come to mean “prejudice or hostility toward Jews as a religious, cultural, or racial group.” According to Encyclopedia Britannica, the word anti-Semitism was introduced in 1879 by Wilhelm Marr, a German agitator who used it to describe anti-Jewish campaigns that were taking place in central Europe at the time. The term is, in fact, a misnomer, as true anti-Semitism would imply discrimination against anyone of Semitic descent including Arabs, Ethiopians, and other Semites.

SOURCE : https://www.gotquestions.org/Semites.html
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
5 mo
CPL LaForest Gray - Forgive me for wasting your time (and mine). A little piece of advice: Don't waste too much time spreading your message of hate. The majority of the world hates the Jews already. Your meager efforts aren't going to alter the balance.
CPL LaForest Gray
CPL LaForest Gray
5 mo
CPT Jack Durish Shhhhh never put words or attempt to put words in my mouth.

I speak clearly
I say exactly what I mean

Post where I stated EVER I hated the Jewish people as a whole or in part. You stated that I some where said I hate Jews, post the FACT or retract your statement and clarify that you misspoke.

My postings are up with typos and ALL, screen shot the post and repost what you claimed.

If that’s your belief or assumption clarify that clearly. Do NOT lie on me.

You keep responding with your opinions and beliefs yet no FACTUAL posting with relevant and reliable sources …. That’s the difference between myself and those that chose to respond …. No Matter the subject, I can ALWAYS provide reliable FACTS and their sources.

Those pictures are what’s been published and put out by those in charge in Israel.

CPT Jack Durish Normally you hadn’t tried to put words in my mouth.

erad· i· cate i-ˈra-də-ˌkāt 

eradicated; eradicating
Synonyms of eradicate
transitive verb
: to do away with as completely as if by pulling up by the roots
programs to eradicate illiteracy

: to pull up by the roots

eradicable i-ˈra-di-kə-bəl 

eradication i-ˌra-də-ˈkā-shən 

eradicator i-ˈra-di-ˌkā-tər 


The Root of Eradicate Is, Literally, Root

EXTERMINATE, EXTIRPATE, ERADICATE, UPROOT mean to effect the destruction or abolition of something.
EXTERMINATE implies complete and immediate extinction by killing off all individuals.

exterminate cockroaches
EXTIRPATE implies extinction of a race, family, species, or sometimes an idea or doctrine by destruction or removal of its means of propagation.

many species have been extirpated from the area
ERADICATE implies the driving out or elimination of something that has established itself.

a campaign to eradicate illiteracy
UPROOT implies a forcible or violent removal and stresses displacement or dislodgment rather than immediate destruction.

the war uprooted thousands

SOURCE : https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/eradicate#:~:text=exterminate%2C%20extirpate%2C%20eradicate%2C%20uproot,by%20killing%20off%20all%20individuals.

Given that eradicate first meant "to pull up by the roots," it's not surprising that the root of eradicate means, in fact, "root." Eradicate, which first turned up in English in the 16th century, comes from eradicatus, the past participle of the Latin verb eradicare. Eradicare, in turn, can be traced back to the Latin word radix, meaning "root" or "radish." Although eradicate began life as a word for literal uprooting, by the mid-17th century it had developed a metaphorical application to removing things the way one might yank an undesirable weed up by the roots. Other descendants of radix in English include radical and radish. Even the word root itself is related; it comes from the same ancient word that gave Latin radix.

Ethic Cleanse - Genocide as the Global Audience watch and eat popcorn … remember where you were when the 3rd World War kicks off { “War To End All Wars - Each REAL WARLORD wears suits and have access codes to the world nuclear arsenal. Dirty Bombs are allowed by both bankers and government actors. }

V1 : https://youtu.be/v4eMarOSIbc?si=Awc-wzt7kFTcxg-m
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SrA John Monette
My opinion is that israel is getting away with terrorism.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
5 mo
Why? Not questioning your right to your opinion nor am I denigrating you for it. I simply can't imagine the basis for it and would love to hear yours.
MSgt Dale Johnson
MSgt Dale Johnson
5 mo
So what do you define the Oct attack against Israel?
MAJ Byron Oyler
MAJ Byron Oyler
5 mo
Israel would not be getting away with anything if Hamas had not attacked a superior military. Pretty much every one of us that has served had the support of our civilian friends and family and those living in Gaza are no different. It is sad and probably excessive that 30K people have lost their lives but they attacked Israel and this is how their enemy responded.
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